On a New Powerful Model for Knowledge Management and its Applications
Hermann Maurer (Graz University of Technology, Austria)
Klaus Tochtermann (Know-Center, Austria)
Abstract: In this paper we present the Maurer - Tochtermann Model for Knowledge Management (KM) and present strong evidence that this model has powerful ramification. First, it shows clearly that KM is not just "old wine in new bottles" but an important and new area of research and applications, second, it shows clearly where KM differs from classical distributed information systems or data bases, third, it is shown to embrace a number of pragmatic problems that have often been considered the heart of KM, and fourth, it gives a clear indication of the areas that will be of increasing importance for KM in the future. We claim that the model can and should be the basis of future efforts in IT-oriented KM.
Keywords: Data Bases, Document Management, Information Systems, Intelligent Agents, Knowledge Management
Categories: H.1, H.2, H.4