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Volume 7 / Issue 4

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-007-04-0327


Can Knowledge Management Help in Poverty-stricken Countries and Crisis Situations

Jennifer Lennon (Department of Computer Science University of Aucklan, New Zealand)

Hermann Maurer (Graz University of Technology and Know-Center, Austria)

Abstract: At first sight, knowledge management for poverty-stricken countries appears to be a contradiction in terms. It sounds "high-tech" and not very applicable for "third world" countries that may not possess the necessary infrastructure. However, the aim of the paper is to show that this is not only false but that Knowledge Management (KM) has a big role to play. We begin by giving an introduction to KM systems in general before considering how they may be applied in poverty and crisis situations. We then consider specific functions of these systems before looking at some problems and possible solutions of implementing such a system.

Keywords: databases, environmental issues, information systems, knowledge management, poverty, third world

Categories: K.4