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Volume 7 / Issue 12

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-007-12-1125


Transclusions in the 21st Century

Harald Krottmaier (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

Hermann Maurer (Graz University of Technology, Austria)

Abstract: When quoting some part of a document authors usually cut and paste the relevant content into the new document. Thereby the connection between this selected part and the original document is lost. Transclusions - first mentioned in 1960 by Ted Nelson - address this problem of lost context . With transclusions it is possible to store information about the original document and the exact position of the quote in the newly created document and provide the reader with additional navigational features. Document formats and information systems matured over the last 40 years. This paper gives an overview of some document formats available today in the WWW environment and points to some requirements for server systems providing transclusions. Thereafter we present some ideas on how to implement transclusions based on a Hyperwave Information Server (HIS).

Keywords: Hyperwave Information Server, transclusion

Categories: H.1, H.3