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Volume 2 / Issue 6

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-002-06-0474


ASIC Design at Home

Friedrich Heinrichmeyer (FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany)

Abstract: A possibility to overcome the problem of organizing a diploma-thesis at a distance university with focus on practice in the design of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) is presented with the aid of an example. A student of electrical engineering designed a fast arithmetical unit for use in a digital filter with a VHDL software package (ALLIANCE (see [laboratory 1994]) freely distributed on the internet. He did his work at home with a standard personal computer running a free Unix clone (Linux (see [Johnson 1993]) in summer 1993.

Keywords: ASIC design, Linux, PC software, diploma thesis, free software, integrated circuits, unix

Categories: B.7.0, K.3.1