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Volume 2

Content of Issue 5
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-002-05
Managing Editor's Column H. Maurer 241
The Finite, the Unbounded and the Infinite C.S. Calude 242
Introduction To Algorithmic Information Theory G. Markowsky 245
The Limits of Mathematics G. J. Chaitin 270
Kraft-Chaitin Inequality Revisited C.S. Calude, C. Grozea 306
Quantum Algorithmic Information Theory K. Svozil 311
Towards Foundations of Cryptography: Investigation of Perfect Secrecy H. Jürgensen, L. Robbins 347
Is Finite Precision Arithmetic Useful For Physics ? F. Chaitin-Chatelin 380
Polynomials, Constructivity and Randomness D. Ştefănescu 396
Chaitin's ToyLisp on a Connex Machine G. Stefan, M. Malita 410
Toy LISP Interpreter on a Connex Memory Maschine B. Mîtu, C. Mîtu 427
Algorithmic Information Theory: Open Problems C.S. Calude 439