Special Cases of Division
R W Doran
(The University of Auckland, New Zealand bob@cs.auckland.ac.nz)
Abstract: This surveys algorithms and circuits for integer
division in special cases. These include division by constants, small
divisors, exact divisors, and cases where the divisor and the number
base have a special relationship. The related operation of remainder
is also covered. Various prior techniques are treated in a common
framework. Worked examples are provided together with examples of
practical application. Category: B2.0 Arithmetic and Logic Circuits
1 Introduction
Division, although known in theory to be capable of O(log n) solution
[Beame, Cooke and Hoover 1986], is difficult to implement with high
performance in practice. However, there are many special cases where
division is much easier, so that fast algorithms may be used. Many
'tricks' have been discovered over the years. Some of these are not
well known and there are others that are familiar to practitioners but
have not been described in the literature that is easy to access. The
purpose of this paper is to survey the special cases of division and
describe them in a uniform manner. We will consider only non-negative
integers, extended to fixed-point number representation in some cases.
1.1 Notation
To describe division we will use the notation:
D dividend d divisor
q quotient r remainder
where all the values involved are non-negative integers, with d > 0. In general, division is the process that, given D and d, finds q and r
so that D = q*d + r where r < d.We will sometimes express q as D
div d and r as D mod d (r being often referred to as the residue
modulo d - remainder and modulo are sometimes defined differently for
signed numbers, but are the same for the non-negative integers with
which we are concerned here). Usually, the term division is restricted
to finding q, and the corresponding process of finding r as
remaindering. We will assume that integers are presented, using a positive integer
base b, as n-digit vectors. In particular we have D, d, q, r, where,
for example: The values are the digits in the base b representation. < b. The digits are uniquely determined. We will often use base 10 in examples although most circuits will use
binary representation in practice.
1.2 Relationship between div and mod
Page 176
The operations of division and remaindering are closely related and
are reducible to each other. That the remainder can be found after
division is obvious, for: r = D mod d = D - (D div d)*d = D - q*d Knowledge of the remainder can reduce division to the special case
where the dividend is an exact multiple of the divisor, for D - (D mod
d) = q*d. This can simplify the process of division in some
circumstances to be covered below. However, the ability to perform
remaindering can allow the quotient to be derived without further
division, but the process depends on the representation of the numbers
and the standard algorithm for division. Write is the leading n-i digits of D regarded as an
integer. The are called 'partial remainders'. The are each
represented as a subrange of the digits D. It is possible from D to
quickly make enough copies of its digits so as to represent all
simultaneously (by quickly, we mean logarithmically in terms of time
or levels of logic in a circuit). Given the , if remaindering can
can be performed quickly then we can apply it to all in parallel
and so obtain all the quickly. The standard process of division is to produce the quotient digits
in order, commencing with the high order . At step i (i from n-1
down to 0) we divide d into the 'concatenation' of with the
next digit to find and For example, in the following
'trace' of standard long division the partial remainders are picked
out in bold. At each step we have to perform the division expressed by (assume that = 0). As we can find the in
parallel quickly we can then determine the by dividing each by d. Thus the standard process allows us to use remaindering to reduce
general division to steps that involve division that produces a small
quotient (the are less than b) - this is the special case that we
will cover first, below. However, here the situation is even more
special. From above, we have which can be
calculated quickly. involves no calculation, it is
merely notation for concatenation. The subtraction of may be
performed quickly in a borrow lookahead circuit.) We now have division that is exact and with a small quotient. Because
is in the range from 0 to b-1, may be deduced quickly from
knowledge of the constant multiples of d in the range from 0 to b-1.
Example: Page 177
In even more-special cases the process of finding the quotient digits is further simplified. For example, because
, in the case of binary division is fully determined by this comparison. *1 In summary, if the values are known it is possible to determine
the quickly in parallel. We will see situations where it is much
easier to find the partial remainders than to perform division
directly, which is why we are treating special cases of both division
and remaindering. The general process of deducing quotient from
remainders in parallel is illustrated in (Fig. 1) for n = 8 (this is
trivial but it is shown as it will be a component of later circuits,
although simplified further - note that the divisor d is an assumed
input to all subcircuits).
Figure 1: Derivation of quotient from remainders
2 Small quotient
There are sometimes circumstances where it is known that the quotient
is small, so that we can find it by using case analysis. Because D =
d*q + r, for each possible q' we know that q = q' iff D < d*(q'+1). One situation arose in the standard division process above where we
needed to find each in turn from ,
i.e. by dividing d into to find the quotient that we
know is < b. Using the same data as above: Example: Page 178
Another situation arises in arithmetic modulo d where x < d and we
want to form (x * y) mod d, where y < b, the number base, which is
small. Setting D = x*y, and q = D div d, we know that q < b. Because
there are only a limited number of possibilities for the quotient, it
can be found first and used to calculate the remainder which has a
much wider range of values. Given that the quotient is small, its value may be estimated in many
cases by looking at the first few digits of the values i*d, for the
possible values of i, rather than by performing full comparisons. Example: d =567, q < 5. From the first digits of d we can make the following definite decisions. So, if D = 1939, we know that, q=3 because D has leading
digits 19 and so r = D - q*d = 238. However, if D commences with 17
we will have to consider more than two digits of D in order to
distinguish between q=2 and q=3. Full comparisons will be needed to distinguish some cases unless d has other special properties, or unless complete accuracy in determining q is not required.
3 Constant divisor
3.1 Multiplication by the reciprocal of the divisor
Division by d (_0) may always be performed by multiplication by its
reciprocal 1/d. Example: This is the basis for division in computers such as the Cray 1 series
where there is no division instruction. Rather, an instruction is
provided that gives an approximation to the reciprocal. Division is
performed using software to refine the reciprocal approximation to
full precision and to multiply by the dividend [Iliffe 1982]. It is
not a popular method for implementing division in hardware because
repetitive methods are more facile. However, if there is a need to
implement division by a particular constant then the reciprocal may be calculated once and for all in advance. Perhaps the most common use of division by a constant is in conversion
between number bases. There are two approaches, one which generates
the least significant digit first as the remainder from division by a
small constant - we will encounter that later. The other is to divide
by a large constant and generate the most significant digit
first. Suppose it is required to convert an n-bit binary number N into
a BCD decimal representation providing always the maximum number of
digits m, where . Firstly, N can be divided by (in
binary) then the quotient multiplied successively by 10 (in binary,
multiplication by a small constant can, of course, be performed by a
sequence of additions and shifts), collecting 4-bit decimal BCD digits
as they appear to the left of the binary point. Division by can be
performed by multiplying by (kept with sufficient precision to
convert the largest binary integer). Page 179
Example: Assume n=6 and m=2.
3.2 Direct calculation of the remainder for constant divisor
Calculation of D mod d, where d is a constant, can be performed by
calculating D - (D*(1/d))*d, but this requires two multiplications. An alternative method is based on stored constants and properties of the modulus operation. The constants mod d can be stored in n tables with b
entries of n digits, mod d selected by table look up, and
then E found as the sum. The addition can be performed in software,
or, in hardware, in logarithmic time using a tree of adders. E is in the limited range from 0 to n*d, so we can now use techniques
for small quotients to determine k so that . D mod d, =
E mod d, is then E - kd. This can again be performed in software or, if speed is of essence, in hardware by comparing E in parallel with all the constants i*d. (Fig. 2) shows an example for the case of n=8. Note that the
additions, other than the last, may be carry-save so that the adder
tree has similar cost and complexity to a multiplier. Page 180
Figure 2: Calculation of D mod d when d is constant A direct application of remaindering is range scaling for fixed-point
numbers. Many processes for calculating elementary functions require
that the argument be within a limited range, eg. for sin. To
calculate sin(x) it is necessary to reduce the range of x by
determining x mod . It is possible to make the final 'small
quotient' step fast, using only a small table look-up, if, as is often
the case, the actual range of convergence is somewhat wider than the
target range [Daumas et. al. 1994]. That is, we can tolerate an error
in finding kd when x is close to a multiple of d as the effect is to
slightly increase the range, in this case from to
4 Small divisor
Small divisors are important in both theory and practice. If small is
taken to mean of length O(log n), then there are different
numbers representable. Dealing with a variable integer of length O(log
n) is thus the same as considering different cases. A hardware
selection from results may be made in time O(log n). Hence,
operating on small variables is equivalent, in speed, to operating
with constants, plus time O(log n) for selection. One use of small variables is in residue arithmetic [Szabo and Tanaka
1967]. In residue arithmetic, O(n/log n) distinct prime numbers
each of length O(log n) are chosen. A number X of length O(n) is then
represented by the small numbers where The
advantage of this system is that (X op Y) mod M is performed, for many
op, as in parallel. Unfortunately, division is, in
general, not in this category. Regardless of the benefit of this
approach it leads to interest in operations on numbers of length O(log n). For example (from [Beame, Cooke and Hoover 1986]), to calculate (D mod
d) mod m where D is n digits and m and d are O(log n) digits and d is
variable. Tables of the constants mod d for every possible
and d have size for each i. Reference Page 181
to such a table given
and d takes time log = O(log n). Thus, the direct calculation
approach for determining D mod d given above for constant d may be
used with variable small d to also give a O(log n) algorithm. Under the same conditions, (D div d) mod m may be found using the
equivalence between mod and div. For mod m (where is defined
as the integer < m such that mod m), we may compute y = D
mod m and then look up in a table of size A related trick is used in practice in ordinary full division or
calculation of inverse. To start an iterative process going an
approximation to the reciprocal of the divisor is needed. This may be
looked up in a table using the first few bits of the divisor itself.
This is used, for example, in the reciprocal approximation instruction
in the Cray computers mentioned above [Iliffe 1982].
5 Small constant divisor
When the divisor is both constant and small there are further
possibilites for simplifying division. This fortuitous combination
does occur in practice. A hardware application is with interleaved
memory banks. If there are k banks then an address A may be located in
bank A mod k at address A div k. Similar calculations are required at
the software level if the size of data items packed into memory
differs from the memory word size. Another application is in
conversion between number bases. There are two directions that may be taken, one based on remaindering and the other on multiplication by reciprocals.
5.1 Division following derivation of remainders
Figure 3. Remainder calculation for small divisor Here one applies the same technique as before for constant divisors,
but, because the divisor is also small, it is possible for all
additions to be perfromed modulo the divisor, keeping the intermediate
values small. The obvious circuit, (Fig. 3), calculates mod Page 182
d for
each digit, then finds At each level of
the adder tree, addition mod d is performed. Example: Because the partial remainders are small, it is now reasonable to
calculate all in parallel and hence deduce the complete quotient. The
above approach has to be modified because the intermediate steps in
calculating D mod do not help in finding the other partial
remainders . A clever procedure [Cocke et. al. 1970] is to omit
the mod d step and do the reduction addition as mod d
steps, thus spreading the ' ' operation over multiple stages. This
gives the approach shown for n=8 in (Fig. 4), refining the circuit of (Fig. 1). Example: Figure 4: Derivation of quotient from remainders with small constant divisor
5.2 Multiplication by reciprocal
Page 183
The constant divisor may be factored into two constants as d =
where has prime factors that are also factors of the number base b and where is relatively prime to b. Division by d can be performed by successive division by and , which need to be treated
differently. Divisor factor of number base The factor can be composed into the product of a series of factors
such that Division by can be performed by successive (or
composed) division by Concentrating on the ith digit: The multiplier of in this expression = This is non-negative and has maximum value of
Thus the expression above represents the unique representation base b of D
div . The value of each digit is found from the local expressions
which may be calculated in
parallel. That is, division by prime factor of the number base is
essentially a trivial operation on digit-size numbers. In particular,
of course, if then the ith digit is - division reduces to
shifting. Example: Divisor relatively prime to number base Division by is more of a challenge and must, in general, be
performed by multiplication by the reciprocal. However, because is
relatively prime to the number base it can be shown that the
reciprocal of is a continued repeating fraction base b. Therefore,
multiplication by the reciprocal can be performed by multiplying once
by the repeated section, then performing repeated addition. This
process is of advantage when the repeated section is tiny (it can be
of length up to ). Example: The additions may be performed in parallel in a tree-like structure
but such a circuit is not much more simple than a general
multiplier. However, with serial implementation Page 184
in firmware the
technique has certainly been used in practice ([Jacobsohn 1973],
[Artzy et. al. 1976]) in small computers.
6 Dividend exact multiple of divisor
Having a dividend D that is an exact multiple of the divisor d
does not really simplify the division process for standard
representations because it is certainly not the case that d divides
the other exactly. However, it can be a help in special cases and
with other representations. In the case of modular representation, if the inverse of X mod M
exists and if X = then the representation of mod M
is If Y=kX mod M then mod M is Y div X and
is represented by In other words, exact division
works precisely as expected in modular representation. Unfortunately,
if mod M has no obvious relationship to Y div X, nor is
there an obvious means of calculating quickly (Y div X )mod M. A situation where prior knowledge of the remainder can be helpful is
in calculating the quotient for small constant divisors that are
relatively prime to the number base. Suppose that we know the
remainder , then If d and b are
relatively prime there is only one k for which kb + is a
multiple of d by a factor less than b. We can thus deduce both and . Having found we can then deduce , and so on. Thus it becomes possible to calculate
the quotient, and partial remainders, from least significant digit
first. Example: The value is a check on errors in our calculation because =
0 iff the remainder was correct. If the remainder is not
known, it is possible to calculate from right to left the supposed
quotient for each of the d possible remainders and then select as the
correct one that for which = 0. In [Artzy et. al. 1976] the following elegant version of reciprocal
multiplication is given. Suppose d is relatively prime to the number base then, as before, 1/d
is a repeating base-b fraction If Now, suppose that D =
qd is an exact multiple of d, then D*s = q*d*s = q* = q* -
q. So, if q < , then q is the base-complement of the last m digits
of D*s (because has low-order m digits zero). Page 185
Example: To convert this into a more practical procedure [Artzy et. al. 1976]
propose first restricting D to be < , in which case q < and it
can also be shown that - ( -q) only if d divides D exactly, so
the error of d not dividing D exactly can be detected. If then
the technique is extended to use ss of length 2m, then ssss of length
4m etc., until D is within range, looking at the last 2m, 4m etc
digits of D*ss, D*ssss etc. Multiplication by ss, ssss etc. is
performed as *s*( +1), *s*( +1)*(b2m+1) etc. (multiplication by
bkm+1, is, of course, shift and add). Example: A practical use of division where it is known that d divides D exactly
is where D is a, for example, byte offset previously constructed by
multiplication of an offset q by the element size (in bytes) d.
7 Divisor related to the number base
We have encountered already some simplifying relationships between the
divisor and number base. These included cases where the divisor
divides the base exactly and where the divisor and the base are
mutually prime. Another relationship of interest is when the divisor is close to the base in value.
7.1 Divisor close to number base in value
If the divisor is very close to the base, then it is possible to find
the first digit of the quotient very quickly because it is the first
digit of the dividend. This process may be continued and used to
calculate the next quotient digit at each stage of the division
process. The example below has the divisor close to the base but works
with fixed point fractions. The same procedure may be applied to
integer division where the divisor is close to some power of the base
i.e. the same procedure with the point shifted to the right. Example: This process is an important one that forms the basis of some of the
fastest practical division algorithms [Ercegovac et. al. 1983] . Page 186
A case of particular interest is when the divisor is the constant b-1 or b+1.
In fact, when the representation is binary many small integer
divisors are in this form or are related to it. A binary number may be
regarded as being base 4 (each digit of 2 bits), base 8 (each digit of
3 bits) etc. Division by 3 is by 4-1, by 5 4+1, by 7 8-1, by 9 8+1, by
17 16+1 etc
7.2 Division by Base-1
In this case remaindering is very simple. Because b = d+1, b mod d = 1
and so mod d =1. Hence The reduction of the sum of digits mod d can be performed serially
with the recurrence: or can be calculated
with parallel tree circuits. If solely is required then one can
use a tree circuits as in (Fig. 2). If all are required a circuit
as in the top part of (Fig. 5) is appropriate. The calculation of the remainder mod b-1 is used in checking
arithmetic in the classic 'casting out nines' procedure. For example,
to check the full-sized multiplication A*B=C the relationship ((A mod
d) * (B mod d)) mod d = C mod d is tested, where the multiplication is
much simpler. In the manual approach the digits are not summed
modularly digit by digit but rather they are summed using normal
arithmetic and the process reapplied repeatedly until one digit
remains: Example: The same approach is used in computers for error checking. Usually, a
binary number is regarded as being in base 4 and the remainder found
mod 3. The digits 0, 1, 2 are kept in decoded form 100, 010, 001, to
simplify the nodes in the tree circuit. Proceeding further, with the remainders known we can find the quotient
as in section 1.2 from In words, the quotient digit i is the remainder adjusted by 1 if d. This correction may be applied in parallel as a single
step as in (Fig. 5) for n=8. Page 187
Figure 5: Quotient from remainders for d = b-1 In the circuit of figure 5 there is some duplication of effort in that
the calculation of the final adjustment could well be associated with
the previous stage.This idea is used in the following serial algorithm
where the quotient is calculated as we proceed with determining the
partial remainders. This algorithm is particularly nice in that the
division is performed entirely by digit addition and comparison d
(in the algorithm all arithmetic is standard). Example: Division of a base 10 number by 9. Note that it is also possible to calculate the remainders from right
to left. From = mod d, we find mod d. Continuing this expansion we Page 188
get mod d. Finally,
mod d. If we knew correctly then we would have 0. However, if we
did not know but assumed it zero then we will have mod d. The remainders that we have found will be incorrect but they
can be restored by now adding mod d. This approach is inherent
in the circuit of [Duke 1972] , described below.
7.3 Division by Base+1
The above reasoning can be revisited with d = b+1. Noting that (A-B)
mod d is the non-negative integer C such that (B+C) mod d = A mod d,
in this case we find: Without going into details, (Fig. 6) is an example circuit. Figure 6: Quotient from remainders for d = b+1
And the serial version is (in standard arithmetic): Example: Division of a base 10 number by 11: Page 189
Typical step: The above two serial algorithms were described in [Doran 1987] though
were presumably known to mental calculators previously. Surprisingly,
division and remaindering by b+1 has had at least one practical2
application in the proposed Burroughs Scientific Processor of the
1970s which had 17 memory banks (b = 16).
7.4 Circuits with feedback
[Duke 1972] describes the circuit illustrated in (Fig. 7). Figure 7: Duke's feedback division circuit This is unusual in that it is a logic circuit with feedback. If it
ever produces a stable output then we must have: If d divides D exactly then q = D div d. The question is, when is the output stable? This answer is clearly
technology and implementation dependent. In the case of binary
representation, the circuit will certainly work when '*(d-1)'
introduces a genuine shift. This is when d-1 = , so d = +1. In
this case, although at the overall level the circuit has feedback, at
the bit level it can be shown that it does not, so is definitely
combinational. It is, in fact, a circuit implementation of the
algorithm described above for division by b+1 when the remainder is
zero but from the right (in a manner analagous to that explained for
division by b-1) The above circuit can be adapted for d = + 1 in the obvious manner.
If d does not divide D exactly, then [Duke 1972] showed that the high
order carry is non-zero and Page 190
provides the correction factor to be added
to each digit (also as described above for d = b-1). [Fenwick 1972] mentions that Boothroyd had proposed a similar circuit
with feedback working from the most significant end. In this case, the
shift is to the right. Unfortunately, because carry is to the left,
this involves real feedback and cannot be guaranteed to stabilise.
7.5 Application to Binary to Decimal Conversion
We can at last see the practical use of division by a small constant
for base conversion. The basic idea is that if we wish to convert a
number D from a base b to a base d, then, because D = q*d+r, r is the
zeroth digit of the representation base d. The process may then be
applied to q to get the first digit, etc. If the arithmetic for the
division is performed in base b, then the sequence of remainder digits
are the representation in base d, with each digit represented in base
b. Example: The most common case is binary-to-decimal conversion which requires
division by 10. This may be performed by dividing the binary number by
5 then by 2. In both divisions the remainders are also found. If the
first division is D = 5*Q+ and the second is Q = 2*q + , the
combined effect is D = 5*(2*q+ ) + = 10*q + (5* + ). Thus,
as is 0 or 1, the remainder mod 5 is increased by 5 if the
remainder mod 2 is 1, to give the remainder mod 10 which is the next
decimal digit. Because 5 = +1, we can regard the binary number as
being base b=4 and use our circuits for division by b+1, and the
division by 2 is, of course, a shift to the right. If conversion is required to be performed for one particular number
then a tree division by b+1 circuit would be appropriate. Another
technique, more appropriate for VLSI is to use a cellular circuit,
where the approach is to use a network of idential components or cells
that are connected in a two dimensional grid. Cellular
binary-to-decimal circuits are explored in detail in [Schreiber and
Stefanelli 1978]. To see an example, we could base a cellular circuit
on our repetitive algorithm for b+1 division described above. The
circuit consists of multiple levels, each performing a division by 10
and production of the next decimal digit encoded in BCD. The cell
corresponds to the inner loop of the algorithm and performs a mod 5
subtraction of the incoming partial remainder (represented in 3 bits
as being in range 0 to 4) with the next 2-bit digit of the binary
number, followed by correction of the quotient digit based on the
subtraction being negative (if it were not modular). Without fully
developing the logic, the cell would be as in (Fig. 8). Page 191
Figure 8: Cell for Binary to Decimal Conversion The cells are then combined into the grid, with division by 2 being
performed by directing the wires to perform a shift. An array of
special circuits on the right is needed to conditionally increment the
digits by 5. Each level of division needs less circuitry. (Fig. 9)
shows the example of 8-bit conversion (maximum value 255). Figure 9: 8-bit cellular binary to decimal converter The circuit above is somewhat simpler than that presented in
[Schreiber and Stefanelli 1978].
8 Conclusion
There have certainly been many interesting procedures proposed for
special cases of division. We have seen that these are mainly
variations on two themes, division by reciprocal multiplication, or
division derived from remaindering. Of course, for every specific constant divisor there are special
tricks that can be brought to bear. These have been developed over the
years by mental calculators, see [Aiken 1937] , [Menninger 1964],
[Smith 1983], [Yang 1274] . This is a fascinating but endless pursuit
that we will leave it to the reader to take further. Acknowledgments Page 192
This work was done while the author was a visitor with the Laboratoire
d'Informatique du Parallelisme at the Ecole Normale Superieure at
Lyon, France. Thanks is due to Jean-Michel Muller of LIP ENS and to
Elena Calude and Radu Nicolescu of The University of Auckland for
helpful suggestions.
[Aiken 1937] Aiken, A. C.: 'Trial and error and approximation in
arithmetic'; The Mathematical Gazette (1937), p. 117.
[Alt and Blum 1983] Alt, H., Blum, N.: 'On the Boolean circuit depth
of division and related functions'; Dept. of Computer Science,
Pennsylvania State University (1983).
[Artzy et. al. 1976] Artzy, E., Hinds, J. A., & Saal, H. J. : 'A fast
division technique for constant divisors'; CACM, 19, 3 (1976), 98 -
[Beame, Cooke and Hoover 1986] Beame, P. W., Cook, S. A. & Hoover,
H.J.:'Log depth circuits for division and related problems'; SIAM
Journal on Computing, 15 (1986) 994-1003.
[Cocke et. al. 1970] Cocke, J., Freiman C. V., & Homan M. E.: 'High
speed division system'; US Patent # 3,527,930 (1970).
[Daumas et. al. 1994] Daumas, M., Mazenc, C., Merrheim, X, and Muller,
J-M.: 'Fast and Accurate Range reduction for thr computation of
elementary functions'; 14th IMACS World Congree on Computational and
Applied Mathemaatics, Atalanta, Georgia (1994).
[Doran 1987] Doran, R. W.: 'Parallel division circuits for small
divisors'; Tech Report No. 38. Department of Computer Science,
University of Auckland (1987).
[Duke 1972] Duke, K. A.: 'Division by small integers'; IBM Technical
Disclosure Bulletin, 14, 9 (1972), 3736-2738.
[Ercegovac et. al. 1993] Ercegovac, M.D., Lang, T., Montuschi, P.:
'Very high radix division with selection by rounding and prescaling';
Proceedings of the 11th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Windsor,
Ontario (1993) 112 - 119.
[Fenwick 1972] Fenwick, P.McA.: 'A binary representation for decimal
numbers'; The Australian Computer Journal, 4, 4 (1972), 146 - 149.
[Iliffe 1982] Iliffe, J. K.: 'Advanced Computer Design'; Prentice
Hall. London (1982).
[Jacobsohn 1973] Jacobsohn, D. H.: 'A combinatoric algorithm for
fixed-integer divisors'; IEEE Transactions on Computers (1973), 608 -
[Menninger 1964] Menninger, K.: `Calculator's Cunning - The Art of
Quick Reckoning'; G. Bell and Sons Ltd., London (1964).
[Schreiber and Stefanelli 1978] Schreiber F. A., Stefanelli, R.: 'Two
methods for fast integer binary-BCD conversion'; Proceedings of 4th
Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Santa Monica, California (1978),
[Smith 1983] Smith, S. B.: 'The Great Mental Calculators - The
Psychology, Methods, and Lives of Calculating Prodigies Past and
Present'; Columbia University Press, New York (1983).
Page 193
[Szabo and Tanaka 1967] Szabo, N. S. & Tanaka, R. I.: 'Residue
Arithmetic & its Applications to Computer Technology'; McGraw Hill,
New York (1967).
[Yang 1274] Yang Hui: 'Ch'eng Chu' T'ung Pien Suan Pao (Precious
Reckoner for Variations of Multiplication and Division)'; Reprinted,
translated with commentary, in Lam Lay Yong, A Critcal Study of the
Yang Hui Suan Fa, Singapore University Press (1977).
In [Beame, Cooke and Hoover 1986] this reduction is credited to [Alt
and Blum 1983], but it appears to have been well understood by
practitioners, and is used in, for example, [Cocke et. al. 1970]. 2
One could note in passing that in New Zealand the VAT (called GST) had
been set at 10% initially then changed to 12.5%. To find the tax
included in the purchase price the first rate needed division by 11
and the second by 9 - so these algorithms would have been useful, if
we did not have calculators! Page 194