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Manuel Ortega Cantero

Referee for: H.5.2, H.5.3, H.5.4, K.3.1, K.3.2
Institution: Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
Address: Escuela Superior de Informática
Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha
Paseo Universidad 4
Ciudad Real 13071
Home Page: http://chico.inf-cr.uclm.es/mortega/index_eng.html

Curriculum Vitae:

Manuel Ortega Cantero is Full Professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Castilla - La Mancha (SPAIN).

He is the director of the "Computer Human Interaction and Collaboration" Research Group, the President of the Iberoamerican Association for the Development of Computers and Education (ADIE, http://www.adie.es) and the President of the Program Committee of several Congresses in Computers and Education, and in Computer - Human Interaction in Iberoamerica and Spain. He is also a member of 3 editorial boards.

Main Research Interests:

  • computer supported cooperative work and computer supported collaborative learning
  • ubiquitous computing
  • computer human interaction
  • computers in education