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Martin Ebner

Referee for: C.2.6, J.2, J.4, J.6, K.2, K.3
Institution: Graz University of Technology
Address: Institute for Building Informatics
Graz University of Technology
Lessingstraße 25
8010 Graz
Home Page: http://www.martinebner.at

Curriculum Vitae:

Martin Ebner is an Assistant Professor at the Institute for Building Informatics (IBI) at Graz University of Technology, in Austria. He has a M.Sc. (Dipl. Ing.) in Civil Engineering and Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from Graz University of Technology. His research is in the area of e-Learning and Web Communities with a strong emphasis on civil engineering. A number of international publications and presentation to these topics has been given. Martin is member of the national research groups “Forum Neue Medien Austria” and “Human-Computer-Interaction & Usability Engineering”. He has founded the following projects:

Main Research Interests:

  • Computer supported collaborative Work (CSCW)
  • Computer supported collaborative Communication (CSCW)
  • Web 2.0
  • m-Learning