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Volume 8

Content of Issue 5
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-008-05
J.UCS Special Issue: I-Know 02 - People-Oriented Knowledge Management H. Maurer, K. Tochtermann 453
The New Mobility of Our Society Caused by Telecommunications J. Günther 456
The Knowledge-Attention-Gap: Do We Underestimate the Problem of Information Overload in Knowledge Management U. Schneider 482
Knowledge on Demand: Knowledge and Expert Discovery M. T. Maybury 491
Ontology-Based Skills Management: Goals, Opportunities and Challenges J. R. Reich, P. Brockhausen, T. Lau, U. Reimer 506
Bibliometric Analysis and Visualisation of Intellectual Capital A. Kasztler, K.-H. Leitner 516
Knowledge and Intellectual Capital Management Processes: Grounding Knowledge and Understanding of Organisational Learning S. Liyanage 526
Fostering Knowledge Communication: Concept And Implementation R. Reinhardt, B. Stattkus 536
Knowledge Transfer in Recycling Networks: Fostering Sustainable Development E. Milchrahm, A. Hasler 546
The Role of Interaction Histories in Mental Model Building and Knowledge Sharing in the Legal Domain A. Komlodi 557