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Volume 1 / Issue 2 / Abstract

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-001-02-0136

The Relationship Between Propagation Characteristics and Nonlinearity of Cryptographic Functions

Jennifer Seberry
(The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

Xian-Mo Zhang
(The University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

Yuliang Zheng
(Monash University, Melbourne, VIC 3199, Australia

Abstract: The connections among the various nonlinearity criteria is currently an important topic in the area of designing and analyzing cryptographic functions. In this paper we show a quantitative relationship between propagation characteristics and nonlinearity, two critical indicators of the cryptographic strength of a Boolean function. We also present a tight lower bound on the nonlinearity of a cryptographic function that has propagation characteristics.

Keywords: Cryptography, Boolean functions, Encryption functions, Nonlinearity, Propagation Characteristics, SAC, S-boxes.

Category: E.3

1 Introduction

Data Encryption Standard or DES is a cryptographic algorithm most widely used by industrial, financial and commercial sectors all over the world [NBS77]. DES is also the root of many other data encryption algorithms proposed in the past decade, including LOKI [BKPS93], FEAL [Miy91] and IDEA [LM91][LaSM91][Lai92]. A core component of these encryption algorithms are the so-called S-boxes or substitution boxes, each essentially a tuple of nonlinear Boolean functions. In most cases, these boxes are the only nonlinear component in an underlying encryption algorithm. The same can be said with one-way hashing algorithms which are commonly employed in the process of signing and authenticating electronic messages [ZPS93][Riv92][NIST93]. These all indicate the vital importance of the design and analysis of nonlinear cryptographic Boolean functions.

Encryption and authentication require cryptographic (Boolean) functions with a number of critical properties that distinguish them from linear (or affine) functions. Among these properties are high nonlinearity, high degree of propagation, few linear structures, high algebraic degree etc. These properties are often called nonlinearity criteria. An important topic is to investigate relationships among the various nonlinearity criteria. Progress in this direction has been made

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in [SZZ94d], where connections have been revealed among the strict avalanche characteristic, differential characteristics, linear structures and nonlinearity, of quadratic functions.

In this paper we carry on the investigation initiated in [SZZ94d] and bring together nonlinearity and propagation characteristic of a function (quadratic or non-quadratic). These two cryptographic criteria are seemly quite separate, in the sense that the former indicates the minimum distance between a Boolean function and all the affine functions whereas the latter forecasts the avalanche behavior of the function when some input bits to the function are complemented.

In particular we show that if f, a function on satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to all but a subset then the nonlinearity of f satisfies is the maximum dimension a linear sub-space contained in can achieve.

We also show that is the tight lower bound on the nonlinearity of f if f satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to at least one vector in As an immediate consequence, the nonlinearity of a function that fulfills the SAC or strict avalanche criterion is at least

Two techniques are employed in the proofs of our main results. The first technique is in regard to the structure of the set of vectors where the function f does not satisfy the propagation criterion. By considering a linear sub-space with the maximum dimension contained in together with its complementary sub-space, we will be able to identify how the vectors in are distributed. The second technique is based on a novel idea of refining Parseval's equation, a well-known relationship in the theory of orthogonal transforms. A combination of these two techniques together with some careful analyses proves to be a powerful tool in examining the relationship among nonlinearity criteria.

The organization of the rest of the paper is as follows: Section 2 introduces basic notations and conventions, while Section 3 presents background information on the Walsh-Hadamard transform. The distribution of vectors where the propagation criterion is not satisfied is discussed in Section 4. This result is employed in Section 5 where a quantitative relationship between nonlinearity and propagation characteristics is derived. This relationship is further developed in Section 6 to identify a tight lower bound on nonlinearity of functions with propagation characteristics. The paper is closed by some concluding remarks in Section 7.

2 Basic Definitions

We consider Boolean functions from to GF(2) (or simply functions on ), is the vector space of n tuples of elements from GF(2). The truth table of a function f on is a (0,1)-sequence defined by and the sequence of f is a (1,-1)-sequence defined by The matrix of f is a (1,-1)-matrix of order defined by f is said to be balanced if its truth table contains an equal number of ones and zeros.

An affine function f on is a function that takes the form of where Furthermore f is called a linear function if c=0.

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Definition 1. The Hamming weight of a (0,1)-sequence s, denoted by is the number of ones in the sequence. Given two functions f and g on the Hamming distance d(f,g) between them is defined as the Hamming weight of the truth table of f(x) g(x), where d. The nonlinearity of f, denoted by is the minimal Hamming distance between f and all affine functions on are all the affine functions on

Note that the maximum nonlinearity of functions on coincides with the covering radius of the first order binary Reed-Muller code RM(1,n) of length which is bounded from above by (see for instance [CKHFMS85]). Hence for any function on Next we introduce the definition of propagation criterion.

Definition 2. Let f be a function on We say that f satisfies

f(x) is also called the directional derivative of f in the direction . The above definition for propagation criterion is from [PLL91]. Further work on the topic can be found in [PGV91]. Note that the strict avalanche criterion (SAC) introduced by Webster and Tavares [Web85],[WT86] is equivalent to the propagation criterion of degree 1 and that the perfect nonlinearity studied by Meier and Staffelbach [MS90] is equivalent to the propagation criterion of degree n where n is the number of the coordinates of the function.

While the propagation characteristic measures the avalanche effect of a function, the linear structure is a concept that in a sense complements the former, namely, it indicates the straightness of a function.

Definition 3. Let f be a function on A vector is called a linear structure of f if is a constant.

By definition, the zero vector in is a linear structure of all functions on It is not hard to see that the linear structures of a function f form a linear sub-space of The dimension of the sub-space is called the linearity dimension of f. We note that it was Evertse who first introduced the notion of linear structure (in a sense broader than ours) and studied its implication on the security of encryption algorithms [Eve88].

A (1,-1)-matrix H of order m is called a Hadamard matrix if is the transpose of H and is the identity matrix of order m. A Sylvester-Hadamard matrix of order , denoted by is generated by the following recursive relation

Let be the i row of By Lemma 2 of [SZZ94a], is the sequence of a linear function defined by the scalar product where is the ith vector in according to the ascending order.

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Definition 4. Let f be a function on The Walsh-Hadamard transform of f is defined as

where is the scalar product of namely, is regarded as a real-valued function.

The Walsh-Hadamard transform, also called the discrete Fourier transform, has numerous applications in areas ranging from physical science to communications engineering. It appears in several slightly different forms [Rot76],[MS77],[Dil72]. The above definition follows the line in [Rot76]. It can be equivalently written as

where is the ith vector in according to the ascending order , is the sequence of f and is the Sylvester-Hadamard matrix of order

Definition 5. A function f on is called a bent function if its Walsh-Hadamard transform satisfies

for all

Bent functions can be characterized in various ways [AT90],[Dil72],[SZZ94a],[YH89]. In particular the following four statements are equivalent:

Bent functions on exist only when n is even [Rot76]. Another important property of bent functions is that they achieve the highest possible nonlinearity

3 More on Walsh-Hadamard transform and Nonlinearity

As the Walsh-Hadamard transform plays a key role in the proofs of main results to be described in the following sections, this section provides some background knowledge on the transform. More information regarding the transform can be found in [MS77],[Dil72]. In addition, Beauchamp's book [Bea84] is a good source of information on other related orthogonal transforms with their applications.

Given two sequences their component-wise product is defined by Let f be a function on For a vector denote by the sequence of Thus is the sequence of f itself and is the sequence of

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the scalar product of is also called the auto-correlation of f with a shift . Obviously, if and only if is balanced, i.e., f satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to On the other hand, if is a constant and hence is a linear structure of f.

Let be the matrix of f and be the sequence of f. Due to a very pretty result by R. L. McFarland (cf. Theorem 3.3 of [Dil72]), M can be decomposed into

where is the ith row of , a Sylvester-Hadamard matrix of order


On the other hand, we always have


Comparing the two sides of (3), we have

Equivalently we write

In engineering, (4) is better known as (a special form of) the Wiener-Khintchine Theorem [Bea84]. A closely related result is Parseval's equation (Corollary 3, p. 416 of [MS77])

which also holds for any function f on

Let S be a set of vectors in The rank of S is the maximum number of linearly independent vectors in S. Note that when S forms a linear sub-space of its rank coincides with its dimension.

The distance between two functions can be expressed as where are the sequences of respectively. (For a proof see for instance Lemma 6 of [SZZ94a].) Immediately we have:

Lemma 6. The nonlinearity of a function f on can be calculated by

where is the sequence of f and are the rows of namely, the sequences of the linear functions on

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The next lemma regarding splitting the power of 2 can be found in [SZZ94d]

Lemma 7. Let be a positive integer and where both and are integers. Then when n is even, and when n is odd.

In the next section we examine the distribution of the vectors in

4 Distribution of

Let f be a function on Assume that f satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to all but a subset Note that always contains the zero vector 0. Write Thus

Set Then f satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to all vectors in

Consider the set of vectors Then is a linear sub-space contained in When is a linear sub-space for any nonzero vector in We are particularly interested in linear sub-spaces with the maximum dimension contained in For convenience, denote by the maximum dimension and by W a linear sub-space in that achieves the maximum dimension.

Obviously, f is bent if and only if and f does not satisfy the propagation criterion with respect to any vector if and only if The case when is especially interesting.

Now let U be a complementary sub-space of W, namely Then each vector can be uniquely expressed as where and As the dimension of W is the dimension of U is equal to Write

Proposition 8.

Proof. follows from the fact that W is a sub-space of Next we consider


In addition,

for any Assume for contradiction that Then we have In this case must form a sub-space of This contradicts the definition that W is a linear sub-space with the maximum dimension in This completes the proof.

The next corollary follows directly from the above proposition.

Corollary 9. The size of satisfies and hence the rank of is at least where is the maximum dimension a linear sub-space in can achieve.

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5 Relating Nonlinearity to Propagation Characteristics

We proceed to the discussion of the nonlinearity of f. The main difficulty lies in finding a good approximation of is the sequence of f and is a row of

First we assume that

where W is a linear sub-space in that achieves the maximum dimension and U is a complementary sub-space of W. The more general case where (5) or (6) is not satisfied can be dealt with after employing a nonsingular transform on the input of f. This will be discussed in the later part of this section.

Recall that where is the sequence of Since is specialized as

where is the sequence of f, is the ith row of and Q comprises the 0th, rows of Note that Q is an matrix.

Let be the row of where Note that can be uniquely expressed as where and . Let be the row of and be the row of As can be represented by where denotes the Kronecker product.

From the construction of we can see that the row of is an all-one sequence of length if and a balanced (1,-1)-sequence of length

Recall that (see also Proposition 8). There are two cases associated with In the first case, is the all-one sequence of length while in the second case, we have which implies that is a balanced (1,-1)-sequence of length and hence is a concatenation of balanced (1,-1)-sequences of length

Therefore we can write where each is a (1,-1)-matrix of order It is important to note that the top row of each is the all-one sequence, while the rest are balanced (1,-1)-sequences of length

With we have

Let be the all-one sequence of length Then

This causes

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Similarly, with we have

Thus we have the following result:

Lemma 10. Assume that f, a function on satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to all but a subset of vectors in Set and let W be a linear sub-space with the maximum dimension in and U be a complementary sub-space of W. Assume that W and U satisfy (5) and (6) respectively. Then

for all where is the sequence of f and each is a row of

Lemma 10 can be viewed as a refinement of Parseval's equation It implies that Therefore by Lemma 6 we have

So far we have assumed that W and U satisfy (5) and (6) respectively. When this is not the case, we can always find a nonsingular matrix A whose entries are from GF(2) such that the sub-spaces W' and U' associated with f'(x) = f(x A) have the required forms. f' and f have the same algebraic degree and nonlinearity (see Lemma 10 of [SZZ94b]). This shows that the following theorem is true.

Theorem 11. For any function on the nonlinearity of f satisfies where is the maximum dimension of the linear sub-spaces in

Theorem 11 indicates that the nonlinearity of a function is determined by the maximum dimension that a linear sub-spaces in can achieve, but not by the size of

In [SZZ94e], we have proved that where t is the rank of By Corollary 9, we have This implies that Thus Theorem 11 is an improvement to the result in [SZZ94e]. This improvement can be demonstrated by a concrete example. In [SZZ94e], the following function on

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has been shown to satisfy the propagation criterion with respect to all but the following fives vectors in

The rank t of is equal to 3. By using the result of [SZZ94e], On the other hand, we can set W is a four-dimensional sub-space in

Using Theorem 11 with =4, we have (Note that according to [CKHFMS85], the maximum nonlinearity a function on can achieve is 12. Hence we have )

6 A Tight Lower Bound on Nonlinearity of Functions with Propagation Characteristics

By Theorem 11, if f, a function on satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to at least one vector in This section shows that this lower bound can be significantly improved. Indeed we prove that and also show that it is tight.

Theorem 12. If f, a function on satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to one or more vectors in then the nonlinearity of f satisfies

Proof. As in the previous sections, we denote by the set of vectors in with respect to which the propagation criterion is not satisfied by f. We also let and W be a linear sub-space in that achieves the maximum dimension

By Theorem 11, the theorem is trivially true when Next we consider the case when We prove this part by further refining the Parseval's equation.

As in the proof of Lemma 10, without loss of generality, we can assume that

Similarly to Lemma 10, we have

where is the sequence of f and is a row of

Comparing the first row of (2), we have

or equivalently,

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where each is the first row of the matrix M described in (2).

Rewrite the ith row of where is the binary representation of an integer i in the ascending alphabetical order. Set

N is a symmetric matrix of order with integer entries. In [Rot76], Rothaus has shown that We can split N into four sub-matrices of equal size, namely

where each is a matrix of order As we have

Let be an arbitrary linear sequence of length


is a linear sequence of length and hence a row of Thus from (11), we have


Rewrite the left hand side of (12) as


As is a linear sequence,

Hence (13) can be written as

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This proves that (13) is equal to zero and hence

By Lemma 7,

Since is an arbitrary linear sequence of length and each linear sequence of length is a column of from (14) we have

where Therefore

Recall that a matrix A of order s is said to be orthogonal if It is easy to verify that is an orthogonal matrix. Thus

On the other hand, by (10) we have


Now let denote the ith row of where is the binary representation of From (15),

Note that

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where is on the ith position of the column vector.

Write Then

As we have

From (16), (17) and (18)

and hence

where i is an arbitrary integer in Similarly,

holds for all By Lemma 6, the nonlinearity of f satisfies

This completes the proof.

As an immediate consequence, we have

Corollary 13. Let f be a function on Then the following statements hold:

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Finally we show that the lower bound is tight. We achieve the goal by demonstrating a function on whose nonlinearity is equal to Let be a function on Then the nonlinearity of g is Now let be a function on Then the nonlinearity of f is (see for instance Lemma 8 of [SZZ94c]). f satisfies the propagation criterion with respect to all vectors in whose first two bits are nonzero, which count for three quarters of the vectors in It is not hard to verify that

is the linear sub-space that achieves the maximum dimension Thus we have a result described as follows:

Lemma 14. The lower bound as stated in Theorem 12 is tight.

7 Conclusion

We have shown quantitative relationships between nonlinearity, propagation characteristics and the SAC. A tight lower bound on the nonlinearity of a function with propagation characteristics is also presented.

This research has also introduced a number of interesting problems yet to be resolved. One of the problems is regarding the size and distribution of the set of vectors where the propagation criterion is satisfied by a function on For all the functions we know of, is either an empty set or a set with at least vectors. We believe that any further understanding of this problem will contribute to the research into the design and analysis of cryptographically strong nonlinear functions.


We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their helpful comments. The first author was supported in part by the Australian Research Council (ARC) under the reference numbers A49130102, A49131885 and A49232172, and by the Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board (ATERB) under the reference number C010/058, the second author by ARC A49130102 and ATERB C010/058, and the third author by ARC A49232172 and ATERB N069/412. All authors were supported by a University of Wollongong Research Program grant.

This work was done while the third author was with the University of Wollongong.


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