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Volume 10

Content of Issue 8
DOI: 10.3217/jucs-010-08
Formal Concept Analysis: Theory and Applications B. Ganter, G. Stumme, R. Wille 926
On the Intractability of Computing the Duquenne-Guigues Base S. O. Kuznetsov 927
Breadth First Search Graph Partitions and Concept Lattices J. Abello, A. J. Pogel, L. Miller 934
Conflict Avoidance in Additive Order Diagrams B. Ganter 955
Modelling Lexical Databases with Formal Concept Analysis U. Priss, L.J. Old 967
Exploiting the Potential of Concept Lattices for Information Retrieval with CREDO C. Carpineto, G. Romano 985
Galois Lattice Theory for Probabilistic Visual Landmarks E. Zenou, M. Samuelides 1014