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Xian-Mo Zhang
The University of Wollongong, Australia

X.-M. Zhang, Y. Zheng:
GAC - the Criterion for Global Avalanche Characteristics of Cryptographic Functions
page 320 - 337
Vol.1 / Issue 5
X.-M. Zhang, Y. Zheng:
On the Difficulty of Constructing Cryptographically Strong Substitution Boxes
page 147 - 162
Vol.2 / Issue 3
Y. Zheng, X.-M. Zhang:
The kth-Order Nonhomomorphicity of S-Boxes
page 830 - 848
Vol.6 / Issue 8
J. Seberry, X.-M. Zhang, Y. Zheng:
The Relationship Between Propagation Characteristics and Nonlinearity of Cryptographic Functions
page 136 - 150
Vol.1 / Issue 2