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Volume 3 / Issue 4 / Abstract

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-003-04-0233

Recursive Abstract State Machines

Yuri Gurevich 1
(University of Michigan, USA

Marc Spielmann 2
(RWTH Aachen, Germany

Abstract: According to the ASM thesis, any algorithm is essentially a Gurevich abstract state machine. The only objection to this thesis, at least in its sequential version, has been that ASMs do not capture recursion properly. To this end, we suggest recursive ASMs.

Key Words: abstract state machines, recursion, distributed computations, concurrency

Category: F.1.1, F.1.2

1 Introduction

The abstract state machine (formerly evolving algebra) thesis [Gurevich 91] asserts that abstract state machines (ASMs, for brevity) express algorithms on their natural level of abstraction in a direct and coding-free manner. The thesis is supported by a wide spectrum of applications [Börger 95], [Castillo 96], [Huggins 96]. However, some people have objected that ASMs are iterative in their nature, whereas many algorithms (e.g., Divide and Conquer) are naturally recursive. In many cases recursion is concise, elegant, and inherent to the algorithm. The usual stack implementation of recursion is iterative, but making the stack explicit lowers the abstraction level. There seems to be an inherent contradiction between

  • the ASM idea of explicit and comprehensive states, and
  • recursion with its hiding of the stack.

But let us consider recursion a little more closely. Suppose that an algorithm A calls itself. Strictly speaking it does not call itself; rather it creates a clone of itself which becomes a sort of a slave of the original. This gives us the idea of treating recursion as an implicitly distributed computation. Slave agents come and go, and the master/slave hierarchy serves as the stack.

Building upon this idea, we suggest a definition of recursive ASMs. The implicit use of distributed computing has an important side benefit: it leads naturally to concurrent recursion. In addition, we reduce recursive ASMs to distributed ASMs as described in the Lipari guide [Gurevich 95]. If desired, one can view recursive notation as mere abbreviation.


1 Partially supported by NSF grant CCR 95-04375 and ONR grant N00014-94-1-1182.
2 Visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, partially supported by DAAD and The University of Michigan.

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The paper is organized as follows. In [Section 2], we introduce a restricted model of recursive ASMs, where the slave agents do not change global functions and thus do not interfere with each other. The syntax of ASM programs is extended with a rec construct allowing recursive definitions like those in common programming languages. We then describe a translation of programs with recursion into distributed programs without recursion. In [Section 3], we generalize the model by allowing slave agents to change global functions. As a result, the model becomes non-deterministic. Finally, in [Section 4] we restrict the general model of [Section 3] so that global functions can be changed but determinism is ensured by sequential execution of recursive calls.


The paper is based on the Lipari guide [Gurevich 95] and uses some additional conventions. The executor of a one-agent ASM starts in an initial state with Mode = Initial and halts when Mode = Final. A distributed ASM of the kind we use in this paper has a module Main, executed by the master agent, and additional modules F1,...,Fn , executed by slave agents. In the case of slave agents, the Mode function is actually a unary function Mode(Me). (The distinction between master and slave agents is mostly didactic.) As usual, the semantics of distributed ASMs is given by the class of possible runs [Gurevich 95]. Notice that in general this semantics is non-deterministic; different finite runs may lead to different final states.

We say that an atomic subrule of a rule R is enabled in a state S, if it contributes to the a priori update set of R at S (which may be wedded as the final update set of R at S is computed.) In other words, an atomic rule is enabled at S, if all the guards leading to it are true at S. Sometimes we abbreviate f(x) to x.f for clarity.

2 Concurrent Recursion without Interference

We start with a restricted model of recursion where different recursive calls do not interfere with each other although their execution may be concurrent. In applications of distributed ASMs, one usually restricts the collection of admissible (or regular) runs. Because of the non-interference of recursive calls here, in the distributed presentation of a recursive program, we can leave the moves of different slave agents incomparable, so that the distributed ASM has only one regular run and is deterministic in that sense.

2.1 Syntax

Definition 2.1 (Recursive program). A recursive (ASM) program II consists of

  1. a one-agent (ASM) program IImain, and
  2. a sequence IIrec of recursive definitions of the form

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Here IIi is a one-agent program and each Fi (respectively, Argij) is a ki-ary (respectively, unary) function symbol which is an external function symbol in II (respectively, IIi). Formally speaking, any function f updated in IIi as well as any Argij has Me as its first/only argument, so that every such function is local. (We will relax this restriction in [Section 3].) For readability Me may be omitted.

Optionally, one may indicate the type of any Argij or the type of Fi. A type is nothing but a universe [Gurevich 95]. All types in IIrec should be universes of IImain. Notice that type errors can be checked by additional guards.

The definition easily generalizes to the case where, instead of IImain, one has a collection of such one-agent programs. However, in this paper we stick to the single-agent program IImain.

Example 2.2 (ListMax). The following recursive program II = (IImain,IIrec) determines the maximum value in a list L of numbers using the divide and conquer technique. IImain is

 if Mode = Initial then
    Output := L.ListMax
    Mode := Final

where L is a nullary function symbol of type list, and IIrec is the recursive definition

 rec ListMax(List : list) : int
     if List.Length = 1 then
        Return:= List.Head
        Return := Max(List.FirstHalf.ListMax,List.SecondHalf.ListMax)
     Mode := Final

The functions List, Return and Mode in the body IIListMax of the recursive definition, are local. In other words, they have a hidden argument Me.

Starting at an initial state S0, the master agent computes the next state. This involves computing the recursively defined L.ListMax. To this end, it creates a slave agent a, passes to a the task of computing L.ListMax, and then remains idle till a hands over the result. When a starts working on IIListMax, it finds Me.Mode = Initial, Me.Return = undef and Me.List = L. Essentially, a acts on IIListMax like the master agent on IImain : if Me.List.Length , then a creates two new slave agents b and c computing Me.List.FirstHalf.ListMax and Me.List.SecondHalf.ListMax, respectively. When eventually Me.Mode = Final, Me.Return contains max and a stops working. In general, we use the unary function Me.Return to pass the result of a slave agent to its creator. Thus in our example, after receiving a's result, the master agent moves to a final state by updating Output with a's result and Mode with Final, and then it stops.

Syntactically the program looks quite similar to a standard implementation in a common imperative programming language like PASCAL or C. However,

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its informal semantics suggests a parallel implementation: associate with each agent a task executable on a multi-processor system. Before a task handles the else branch of IIListMax , it has to create two new tasks which compute List.FirstHalf.ListMax and List.SecondHalf.ListMax. One or both of the new tasks may be executed on another processor in parallel.

On the other hand, using many tasks may not be intended. One may wish to enforce sequential execution. A slight modification of IIListMax ensures that in every state a slave agent will find at most one enabled recursive call and thus creates at most one new slave agent. Since every agent waits for a reply of its active slave, the agents execute one after another.

 rec SeqListMax(List : list) : int
     if Mode = Initial then
        if List.Length = 1 then
           Return := List.Head
           Mode := Final
           FirstHalfMax := List.FirstHalf.SeqListMax
           Mode := Sequential

     if Mode = Sequential then
        Return := Max(FirstHalfMax,List.SecondHalf.ListMax)
        Mode := Final

Example 2.3 (Savitch's Reachability). To prove PSPACE = NPSPACE Walter Savitch has suggested the following recursive algorithm for the REACHABILITY decision problem, which works in space log2 (GraphSize). Some familiarity with Savitch's solution [Savitch 70] would be hepful for the reader. (We assume that the input is an ordered graph with constants FirstNode and LastNode, and a unary node-successor function Succ):

 if Mode = Initial then
    Output := Reach(StartNode,GoalNode,log(GraphSize))
    Mode := Final 

 rec Reach(From, To : node, l : int) : bool
     if Mode = Initial then
        if l = 0 then
           if From = To or Edge(From,To) then
              Return:= true
              Return:= false
        Mode := Final
        Thru := FirstNode 

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        Mode := CheckingFromThru

  if Mode = CheckingFromThru then
     FromThru := Reach(From,Thru,l - 1)
     Mode := CheckingThruTo

  if Mode = CheckingThruTo then
     ThruTo := Reach(Thru,To,l - 1)
     Mode:= CheckingThru

  if Mode = CheckingThru then
     if FromThru and ThruTo then
        Return := true
        Mode := Final
     elseif Thru  LastNode then
        Thru := Succ(Thru)
        Mode := CheckingFromThru
        Return := false
        Mode := Final

If we remove the second and third rules in IIReach and instead add the following rule, a parallel execution is possible (which may, however, blow up the space bound).

 if Mode = CheckingFromThru then
    FromThru := Reach(From,Thru,l - 1)
    ThruTo := Reach(Thru,To, l - 1)
    Mode := CheckingThru 

2.2 Translation to distributed ASMs

This subsection addresses those readers who are interested in a formal definition of the semantics of recursive programs.

There are many ways to formalize the intuition behind Definition 2.1. For example, one can define a one-agent interpreter for ASMs which treats F1,...,Fn in IImain as external functions. Whenever such an external function Fi has to be computed, the interpreter suspends its work and starts evaluating IIi with initialized properly. When eventually Mode = Final for IIi, the interpreter reactivates IImain and uses Return as the external value. Notice that suspension and reactivation are the main tasks of implementing recursion by iteration. Typically this is realized with a stack. The one-agent interpreter sketched above can use a stack to keep track of the calling order.

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Here, we describe a translation of a recursive program II into a distributed program II' and in this way define the semantics of II by the runs of II' . Suspension and reactivation is realized with a special nullary function RecMode. The master/slave hierarchy serves as the stack. (A more general approach would be to add a construct for suspending and reactivating agents to the formalism of distributed ASMs. The introduction of such a construct may be addressed elsewhere.) We concentrate on a useful subclass of recursive programs, where

  • no recursive call occurs in a guard or inside a vary rule, and
  • here is no nesting of external functions (with recursively defined functions counted among external functions).

A translation of recursive programs in the sense of Definition 2.1 is possible but becomes tedious in its full generality. All recursive programs in this paper satisfy the above conditions. In fact, we made Example 2.3 a little longer than necessary in order to comply with the first condition. For instance, instead of using boolean variables FromThru and ThruTo in the last rule of IIReach one might directly call Reach(From, Thru, l - 1) and Reach(Thru, To, l - 1), respectively.

The main idea of the translation is to divide the evaluation of IImain into two phases:

  1. Create slave agents (suspension): At a given state S, create a separate agent for every occurrence of every term in an atomic rule u in IImain such that u should fire at S. These slave agents will compute the recursively defined values needed to fire IImain at S.
  2. Wait, and then execute IImain (reactivation): Wait until all slave agents finish their work, and then execute one step of IImain with the results of the slaves substituted for the corresponding recursive calls.

A slave agent a starts executing the module Mod(a) right after its creation. Notice that a slave agent may or may not halt. If at least one slave agent fails to halt, II "hangs'"; it will not complete the current step.

The translation of II is given in two stages: I. we translate IImain into a module Main executed by the master agent, and II. we translate the body IIi of every recursive definition in IIrec into a module Fi executed by some slave agents. Thus II' consists of module Main and modules Fi.

I. From IImain to Main:

A. Create slave agents: Enumerate all occurrences of subterms , i.e., recursive calls, in IImain arbitrarily. Suppose there are m recursive calls. If the jth recursive call has the form , define the rule Rj as

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  RecMode(a) := CreatingSlaveAgents
     Child(Me,j) := a

where the guard gj is true in a given state S iff the atomic rule with the jthrecursive call is enabled in S. We will give an inductive construction of gj in Proposition 2.4 below. The first part of the module Main is the rule

if RecMode = CreatingSlaveAgents then 
   RecMode := WaitingThenExecuting

where RecMode = CreatingSlaveAgents is assumed to be valid in the initial state of II' .

B. Wait, and then execute IImain : The second part of Main is the rule

where II'main is obtained from IImain by substituting for j = 1,...,m the jth recursive call with Return(Child(Me,j)). Note that Child(Me,j) = undef happens if the jth recursive call produces no slave agent.

II. From IIi to Fi: The translation of IIi is similar to that of IImain , except that the following functions in (the guard and the argument terms in phase A) and in II'i (the main part of phase B) now are local, i.e., get the additional initial argument Me:

  • Mode
  • RecMode
  • every dynamic function (with respect to IIi ).

This modification ensures that every slave agent uses its private dynamic functions only and thus avoids any side-effects. Call the resulting module Fi.

It remains to exhibit the guards g1,...,gm. For the time being, let denote a rule R with free variables in , and consider free variables as nullary function symbols. Thus, the vocabulary of includes some of the variables in .

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Proposition 2.4 Let be a rule and o an occurrence of an atomic rule in but not inside any import, choose or vary rule. There is a guard (constructed in the proof) such that for every state S of the following are equivalent:

Proof. Induction on the construction of : The cases where is atomic or a block (sequence of rules) are straightforward. Assume endif, where o occurs in . (An if-then-else rule can easily be replaced by a block of two if-then rules; as guards choose the original guard and its negation.) By induction hypothesis there is a satisfying the equivalence with respect to

To obtain the guards g1,...,gm, distinguish two cases: 1. Suppose IImain is a rule where no recursive call occurs inside an import or choose rule. (Recall our general assumption in this subsection that no recursive call occurs inside a vary rule either.) Since IImain has no free variables, Proposition 2.4 gives us the desired closed guard gj , if we choose o to be the atomic rule with the jth recursive call.

2. Suppose IImain has some recursive calls inside some import or choose rules. We can assume that IImain has the form

where every remaining import and choose in occurs in a vary rule, and the variables in are disjoint and do not occur bounded in . (This special form can be obtained, e.g., by the First Normal Form procedure of [Dexter, Doyle, Gurevich 97] extended by a second round to push out choose rules in the same way as import rules in the first round. Here vary rules are considered as black boxes whose interior is ignored.) In this case Proposition 2.4 yields for the jth recursive call a guard satisfying the equivalence with respect to . With these guards we translate into the module Main* consisting of two rules, say, for phase B. As the actual module Main we then take

where is identical to except that after the basic rule RecMode := WaitingThenExecuting we add basic rules become local in case of translating IIi , i.e., are unary function symbols with argument Me.)

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Remark 2.5 It is not literally true that slave agents cause no side effects. For example, a slave may leave imported elements. However, these elements will be inaccessible later on. To all practical purposes, there will be no side effects.

Example 2.6 (Translation of ListMax). A translation of II in Example 2.2 is:

Main : 
  if RecMode = CreatingSlaveAgents then 
     extend Agents with a 
        a.List := L 
        a.Mode := Initial 
        a.RecMode := CreatingSlaveAgents
        Child(Me,1) := a 
      RecMode := WaitingThenExecuting 

   if RecMode = WaitingThenExecuting and 
      (Child(Me,1) = undef or Child(Me,1).Mode = Final) 
      if Mode = Initial then 
         Output := Child(Me,1).Return
         Mode := Final 
      Child(Me,1) := undef 
      RecMode :=CreatingSlaveAgents

ListMax : 
    if Me.RecMode = CreatingSlaveAgents then 
       if Me.List.Length  1 then 
          extend Agents with a,b 
             a.Mod := ListMax 
             a.List := Me:List:FirstHalf
             a.Mode := Initial 
             a.RecMode := CreatingSlaveAgents 
             Child(Me,1) := a 
             b.Mod := ListMax 
             b.List := Me:List:SecondHalf 
             b.Mode := Initial 
             b.RecMode := CreatingSlaveAgents 
             Child(Me,2) := b 
         Me.RecMode := WaitingThenExecuting
     if Me.RecMode = WaitingThenExecuting and 
        (Child(Me,1) = undef or Child(Me,1):Mode = Final)and 

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        (Child(Me,2) = undef or Child(Me,2).Mode = Final)
         if Me.List.Length = 1 then 
            Me.Return := Me.List.Head 
            Me.Return :=Max(Child(Me,1).Return, Child(Me,2).Return)
         Me.Mode := Final 
         Child(Me,1) := undef 
         Child(Me,2) := undef 
         Me.RecMode := CreatingSlaveAgents 

Note that in this section we used the powerful tool of distributed ASMs to model a restricted form of recursion. All agents created live in their own worlds, not sharing any memory or competing for any resource, e.g., updating a common location. As a result every run of II' , whether interleaved or truly concurrent, produces the same result. In general a sequential execution, in which one agent starts working after another finishes, will be more space efficient than a parallel one.

In the next section we will relax our restriction that all functions in a recursive definition are local. Specially designated global functions may be shared by the master and some slave agents, and be updated by all of them. Consequently the semantics of recursive programs becomes non-deterministic.

3 Concurrent Recursion with Interference

There are problems which naturally admit a recursive solution, but also involve concurrency and competition. It makes sense to allow slave agents to vie with one another for globally accessible functions, so that they may get in each other's way.

Example 3.1 (Parallel ListMax with bounded number of processors).

Recall our simple divide and conquer example ListMax (Example 2.2). If we consider the job of every agent as a task executable on a multi-processor system, the number of processors depends on the length of List. Now, if we lower the level of abstraction and take into account that a multi-processor system only has, say, 42 processors, the following recursive program describes the new view. (In the modified recursive definition of ListMax the key word global declares the nullary function Processors to be shared by all agents. Furthermore, assume that Processors equals 42 in the initial state.)

  if  Mode = Initial then 
      Output := L.ListMax 
      Mode := Final 

  rec ListMax(List: list) : int 
  global Processors : int 
      if List.Length = 1 then 

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      Return := List.Head 
      Mode := Final 
   elseif Processors  1 then 
      Processors:= Processors - 1 
      Mode := Parallel 
   else FirstHalfMax := List.FirstHalf.ListMax
        Mode := Sequential 

   if Mode = Parallel then 
      Return := Max(List.FirstHalf.ListMax, List.LastHalf.ListMax) 
      Processors := Processors + 1 
      Mode := Final 

   if Mode = Sequential then 
      Return := Max(FirstHalfMax,List.LastHalf.ListMax)
      Mode := Final 

A generalization of recursive programs in [Section 2] to recursive programs with global functions is easy. Alter the second point in Definition 2.1 as follows:

2. a sequence IIrec of recursive definitions of the form

Here fij is an arbitrary function symbol in II which does not have Me as its first argument, ... and the rest is as before.

The functions are intended to be global in IIi in the sense that the interpretation of the symbols in IIi is identical to that in IImain. A slight modification of our translation into distributed programs reflects the new situation:

II. From IIi to Fi : The translation of IIi is similar to that of IImain, except that the following functions in and in II'i , which are different from any , now are local, ... and the rest is as before.

Note that even if a global function f is static in IIi , f is still not local, as there may be other agents which update f. We do not worry about the distinction between global and local functions when f is static with respect to II = (IImain , IIrec ). Another example, which is purely recursive and also enjoys competition, is the task of finding the shortest path between two nodes in an infinite graph.

Example 3.2 (Shortest-Path). Consider the following discrete optimization problem: Given an infinite connected graph (e.g., the computation tree of a

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PROLOG program) and nodes Start and Goal, find a shortest path from Start to Goal. Of course, an imperative program implementing breadth-first search or iterative deepening will find a shortest path, but let us sketch a parallel solution.

For simplicity assume that each node Node has exactly four neighbors, namely Node.North, Node.East, Node.South and Node.West. The idea is to call a slave agent with some Node and the cost of Node, that is, the length of the path from Start to Node. The slave agent checks whether the cost is still less than the length of the current best solution found by some competing slave agent. If so, it searches recursively in all four directions, until a better solution is found. The cost of this solution then is made public by storing it into a global nullary function BestSolution. Otherwise, the slave agent rejects Node. For brevity, we do not incorporate a mechanism (for instance a ClosedNodesList) preventing agents from examining nodes several times. The algorithm can be formalized as a recursive program with the global function BestSolution, which is assumed to be initialized with

  if Mode = Initial then
     OutputPath := ShortestPath(Start,0) 
     OutputCost := BestSolution 
     Mode := Final 

  rec ShortestPath(Node : node, Cost: int) : path 
  global BestSolution : int 
      if Mode = Initial and BestSolution  Cost then 
         Return := dump 
         Mode := Final 

      if Mode = Initial and BestSolution > Cost then 
         if Node = Goal then 
            BestSolution := Cost 
            Return := nil 
            Mode := Final 
            North.Child := ShortestPath(Node.North, Cost + 1) 
            East.Child := ShortestPath(Node.East, Cost + 1) 
            South.Child := ShortestPath(Node.South, Cost + 1) 
            West.Child := ShortestPath(Node.West, Cost + 1) 
            Mode := SelectBestChild

      if Mode = SelectBestChild then 
         if  Direction : x:Child:Length+Cost+1 = BestSolution then 
            choose  Direction 
            satisfying x:Child:Length + Cost + 1 = BestSolution 
                Return := Cons(Node, x.Child) 

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             Return := dump 
          Mode := Final 

There are many recursive problems which suggest a sequential execution-and thus do not need concurrency or competition-but which naturally gain from the use of global functions, e.g., global output channels. This kind of sequential recursion using global functions is the topic of the subsequent section.

4 Sequential Recursion

Consider a recursive program with global functions where it is guaranteed (by the programmer) that at each state of the computation at most one recursive call takes place. In other words, at each state, at most one of the existing slave agents a is working (i.e., neither a's mode is Final nor a is waiting for one of its slave agents to finish). In this case a deterministic, sequential evaluation is ensured. Only one agent works, whereas all other agents wait in a hierarchical dependency.

Example 4.1 (The Towers of Hanoi). The well-known Towers of Hanoi problem [Lucas 96] is purely sequential: our task is to instruct the player how to move a pile of disks of decreasing size from one peg to another using at most 3 pegs in such a way that at no point a larger disk rests on a smaller one. The player can only move the top disk of one pile to another in a single step. The following recursive program solves the Towers of Hanoi problem. We use the global function Output to pass instructions to the player. (The nullary function Dummy eventually gets the value undef; its only purpose is to call the recursively defined function Towers.)

   if Mode = Initial then 
      Dummy := Towers(Place1, Place2, Place3, PileHeight)
      Mode := Final 

   rec Towers(From, To, Use : place, High : int) 
   global Output : instructions 
       if Mode = Initial then 
          if High = 1 then 
             Output := MoveTopDisk(From,To) 
             Mode := Final 
             Dummy := Towers(From, Use, To, High-1) 
             Mode := MoveBottomDisk 

       if Mode = MoveBottomDisk then 
          Output := MoveTopDisk(From, To) 

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          Mode := MovePileBack 

       if Mode = MovePileBack then 
          Dummy := Towers(Use, To, From, High - 1) 
          Mode := Final 

Because of the sequential character of execution, one can avoid having slave agents change global functions: a recursive call can return a list of would-be changes, such that the master can itself perform all the changes. For instance, instead of outputting instructions in the last example, we compute a list of instructions, and pass it to the player. Unfortunately the length of the list would be exponential in the number of disks involved. Thus it makes sense to use a global output channel.

The semantic property of sequentiality can easily be guaranteed by syntactic restrictions on a recursive program II. For example, require in Definition 2.1 that IImain and each IIi is a block of rules

if Mode = Modej then Rj endif

where the static nullary functions Modej have distinct values and each Rj contains at most one recursive call.

As examples with this restricted syntax we refer to the Tower of Hanoi program above and Savitch's Reachability algorithm (Example 2.3).


[Börger 95] E. Börger. Annotated bibliography on evolving algebras. In E. Börger, editor, Specification and Validation Methods, pages 37--51. Oxford University Press, 1995.

[Castillo 96] G. D. Castillo. WWW page Evolving Algebras Europe, http://www.uni-paderborn.de/Informatik/eas.html, May 96.

[Dexter, Doyle, Gurevich 97] S. Dexter, P. Doyle, and Y. Gurevich. Gurevich abstract state machines and schönhage storage modification machines. Technical Report CSE-TR-326-97, University of Michigan, 1997. Also in this volume.

[Gurevich 91] Y. Gurevich. Evolving Algebras: An attempt to discover semantics. Bulletin of the EATCS, 43:264--284, 1991. A slightly revised version in G. Rozenberg and A. Salomaa, editors, Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 266--292, World Scientific, 1993.

[Gurevich 95] Y. Gurevich. Evolving Algebras 1993: Lipari Guide. In E. Börger, editor, Specification and Validation Methods. Oxford University Press, 1995.

[Huggins 96] J. K. Huggins. WWW page Abstract State Machines (Evolving Algebras), http://www.eecs.umich.edu/ealgebras, September 1996.

[Lucas 96] E. Lucas. Recreations mathematiques, volume 3, pages 55--59. Gauthier-Villars et fils, Paris, 1891--1896. Reprinted by A. Blanchard, Paris, 1960.

[Savitch 70] W. J. Savitch. Relational between nondeterministic and deterministic tape complexity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 4:177--192, 1970.

Acknowledgements. Thanks to the anonymous referees.

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