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Volume 2 / Issue 5 / Abstract

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DOI:   10.3217/jucs-002-05-0245

Introduction To Algorithmic Information Theory *1

George Markowsky
Computer Science Department, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5752, USA,
email: markov@gandalf.umcs.maine.edu.

*1 C. Calude (ed.). The Finite, the Unbounded and the Infinite, Proceedings of the Summer School "Chaitin Complexity and Applications", Mangalia, Romania, 27 June - 6 July, 1995.

1 Overview of Lectures

The following topics will be discussed in this paper.

- Goals of this paper
- What is AIT? 
- Some important pre-AIT Ideas
- Fundamental Concepts of AIT
- Introduction to the Logo Programming Language 
- The Uncomputability of H 
- The Hacker's Problem 
- The Halting Problem 
- Definition of Omega
- The Ultimate Uncomputability of Omega 
- Random Strings 
- Some Implications of AIT 
- Teaching AIT

2 Goals of This Paper

The following are the goals that this paper has.

- To provide a historical context for AIT.  
- To provide the basic concepts necessary to understand the more advanced material presented
during this short course.  
- To provide an introduction to functional programming via the Logo programming language.  
- To provide examples to help understand the fundamental concepts of AIT.  
- To provide an overview of some key results in AIT.  
- To provide some insight into the delicate details that make actually make AIT work.

This paper grew out of a short course on AIT that Greg Chaitin presented in June 1994, at the University of Maine. I helped with the course, and observed some of the topics that proved most difficult for students. These lectures are designed to fill-in some of the gaps in people's backgrounds that I observed in 1994. The material in these lectures is based on the work of Greg Chaitin.

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3 What is AIT?

AIT, of course, stands for Algorithmic Information Theory. The information part of the name comes from Shannon's information theory, that first proposed measuring the amount of information. The algorithmic part of the name comes from the fact that algorithms (programs) are used for measuring information content. We will discuss the basis of AIT in more detail throughout the remainder of this paper.

4 Some Important pre-AIT Ideas

This section discusses some of the important ideas that are intimately related to AIT.

4.1 The Concept of an Algorithm

A very interesting discussion of this is found in Volume 1 of Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming. After dismissing several earlier derivations, Knuth presents what he claims is the correct derivation. He notes that even as late as 1957 the word did not appear in Webster's New World Dictionary.

The closest word to appear in dictionaries of that time was algorism which means the process of doing arithmetic using Arabic numerals. The word algorithm appeared as the result of confusing the word arithmetic with the name of the Persian mathematician Abu Jafar Mohammed ibn Musa al-Khowarizmi (c. 825). The word was probably first widely used for Euclid's GCD algorithm, before it came to have its present meaning of a well-defined procedure for computing something. The 1971 edition of The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary gives the following definition for algorithm: "erroneous refashioning of algorism".

4.2 The History of Entropy

Nicolas Leonard Sadi Carnot (1796-1832) was an engineer who was interested in understanding how much work can be produced by heat engines such as steam engines. He introduced many important concepts into physics (thermodynamics) including those of reversible and irreversible engine.

Building upon his work, Rudolf Clausius introduced the concept of entropy: "I propose to name the magnitude S the entropy of the body from the Greek word , a transformation. I have intentionally formed the word entropy so as to be as similar as possible to the word energy, since both these quantities, which are to be known by these names, as so nearly related to each other in their physical significance that a certain similarity in their names seemed to me advantageous ..."

Further contributions to the field were made by Kelvin, Boltzmann and Gibbs. The last two connected entropy to statistical mechanics and showed that it can be viewed as a measure of the randomness of a collection of entities such as molecules.

The work of Boltzmann and Gibbs lead to the following expression for entropy: where c is some constant > 0 and the are probabilities of various states.

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4.3 Information Theory

The work of Claude Shannon showed the connection between the entropy of thermodynamics and the entropy of information theory. Many of the ideas of information theory were in the air when Claude Shannon wrote his two classic papers on information theory in 1948. Shannon showed that it made sense to measure the information content of messages and how to transmit messages correctly in the presence of noise. The importance of this work cannot be overestimated.

Shannon derived the connection between the entropy of thermodynamics and the information-theoretic entropy that he used in his theory. It is interesting to note that information-theoretic entropy is the unique function on probability vectors (vectors of non-negative numbers that sum to 1) that satisfies three very simple conditions.

4.4 The Foundations of Mathematics

George Cantor did much work to develop set theory as we know it today. He also discovered the diagonal argument that laid the foundation for Gödel's work and AIT. I will give you two flavors of the diagonal argument.

First, we will show that it is impossible to assign natural numbers to infinite binary sequences. On the contrary, assume that an assignment is possible that matches each natural number to some infinite string of 0s and 1s in such a way that all the natural numbers and the sequences are matched. This might be illustrated as in the following table.

Note that the sequence s = 001 ... is not in the table, if it is formed so that the i-th digit is the complement of the i-th digit in the i-th row of the table. In other words, s cannot be found in row 0, since it differs from the sequence found there in the first position. It cannot be in row 1 since it differs from the sequence found there in the second position. It cannot be in row i since it differs from the sequence found there in the i-th position.

Using a similar argument, shows that it is impossible to associate the elements of a set with the set of all subsets of the set. This argument goes as follows. Assume the contrary, then there would be a bijection between elements of the set and subsets of the set. Such a bijection might be represented by the following table.

Now let . Note that W cannot be in the listing. If it were, we would have for some element h in the set. If h were in W, then h would be in , but W is exactly the set of elements such e is not in . If h were not in W, then h would not be in , so it would have to be in W by the definition of W!

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4.5 The Berry Paradox

In the Principia Mathematica, Russell and Whitehead describe an interesting paradox that lies at the bottom of AIT and provides the key insight into many of its results. To start off, first note that there are only finitely many English phrases not exceeding a certain length in words. Some of these phrases will define positive integers unambiguously. Make a list of these phrases of twenty words or less. (Alternatively, you can also limit the number of characters.)

This list will define a finite set of integers, so some positive integers will not be on the list. Let Q be the smallest positive integer not on the list. Now consider the following phrase: "the smallest positive integer that cannot be defined in less than twenty words". This is a phrase of 13 words!

4.6 Undecidability

Hilbert was of the opinion that eventually algorithms would be found to solve all outstanding problems in mathematics and some of his famous problems presented at the International Mathematical Congress of 1900 tried to direct research at finding these algorithms. In 1931 Kurt Gödel published a paper showing that any system of mathematics complicated enough to include arithmetic must contain problems undecidable from the basic axioms in that system.

In 1937 (a year before he got his Ph.D), Turing published the paper in which he introduced "Turing machines" and showed that the Halting Problem, deciding whether a Turing machine running on a particular input would halt or not. Turing's work is of critical importance in computer science and significantly simplified the demonstration that there are undecidable problems in formal systems.

4.7 Credit for AIT Discoveries

Three people are generally credited with co-discovering some of the basic ideas of AIT: Chaitin, Kolmogorov and Solomonoff. Solomonoff published some definitions several years before Chaitin and Kolmogorov. Chaitin has contributed the largest body of work to AIT and continues to extend the field at the present time. There is a tendency on the part of some writers to attach Kolmogorov's name to everything in the field. This makes little sense and is obviously unfair to other researchers.

A curious justification for this is stated on page 84 of An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications (by Li and Vitanyi):

This partly motivates our choice of associating Solomonoff's name with the universal distribution and Kolmogorov's name with algorithmic complexity, and, by extension, with the entire area. (Associating Kolmogorov's name with the complexity may also be an example of the "Matthew Effect" first noted in the Gospel according to Matthew, 25:29-30, "For to every one who has more will be given, and he will have in abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away. And cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.")

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5 Some Fundamental Concepts

I will loosely define the algorithmic complexity of a string as the size of the smallest program that generates that particular string. More generally, one can define the complexity of any object as the size of the smallest program that generates it. These definitions are loose because they leave out some key details:

- What language are we using?  
- What does generate mean?  
- How do we measure program size?  
- What exactly constitutes a program? 

To simplify the discussion I will fix a particular programming language (Logo) and work with it. There are a variety of clarifications needed when working with a "real" language.

Note that the algorithmic complexity always exists because there are only finitely many programs having a size less than or equal to a given number. Knowing that something exists and finding it are two, sometimes, very different things. There are other sorts of complexity and even variations of Algorithmic Complexity. Since these notes are an introduction to AIT, I will just present one version of complexity.

It is important to realize that the complexity of most strings cannot be substantially shorter than the string itself. To make this statement more precise, let's assume that we are using an alphabet with Q letters, and that this alphabet is used for both the strings of interest and for writing programs. Thus there are strings of length n.

Suppose that we assume that to each "program" we associate at most one string that it produces. It is possible that no string is produced if the program goes into an infinite loop. Since programs are also strings, it is easy to see that the number of programs having length < n is bounded above by

Thus at most 1/(Q - 1) of all strings of length n can be expressed by programs that are shorter. Thus, at least (Q - 2)/(Q - 1) of all strings of length n require a program of length at least n to generate. Let's use H(s) to denote the program-size complexity of s.

6 An Introduction to Logo

I will now discuss the language Logo and some of the questions that come up when dealing with trying to actually compute the complexity of a string. More specifically, I will discuss WinLogo, a public domain Logo, which comes with a very extensive help file.

Logo was developed by Seymour Papert and his colleagues at MIT and Bolt, Beranek and Newman. Its purpose is to serve as a programming language that is easy enough for kids to learn, but which is, nevertheless, powerful. Logo has been mistyped as a kid's language and most people don't realize that it is actually LISP dressed up so it can be seen out on the street!

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Rather than give you lots of details about Logo, I will give a very brief overview and then begin using it. Most of the terms in the language come directly from English so the language is easy to understand. BASIC was designed to provide a simple introduction to programming using numbers and to some extent strings. Logo was designed to provide a simple introduction to programming using strings and lists. There are various versions of Logo that differ slightly in the details. As stated earlier, I will base my discussion on WinLogo.

Like most programming languages Logo has variables for storing data. Logo allows any variable to store any legal Logo object and to change the type of object that is stored. Logo does not require declarations of variables. All variables are global unless they are specifically declared to be local.

Logo has great flexibility in what it allows as variable names. This great flexibility can cause some confusion. For example, Logo treats numbers as strings that happen to have special properties. However, you can, if you wish, use numbers as variable names!

Logo is generally an interpreted language - this means that you can type individual commands and see what Logo will do. Some Logos are case-sensitive and some are not. Also, even the case sensitive Logos often are case-insensitive when dealing with the Logo primitives.

Logo has a command PRINT which displays objects and does what you expect it to, except that when it prints lists it omits the outside pair of delimiters. I will illustrate and explain this soon. If you give the command PRINT 2 + 2 to the interpreter, you will get back 4 as you would expect.

If X is a variable, you must use the construction :X to tell Logo that you want to reference its value. The colon (:) is necessary because a name appearing without the : is assumed to be a function. It is possible for the same string to be a function and also store a variable. If Logo spots a name around that is not quoted or preceded by :, it assumes the name represents a function call.

Thus, the statement MAKE "2 3 assigns the value 3 as the value of the variable 2. When you give the command PRINT 2 + 2, the 2s are interpreted as functions that return the value 2. If you give the command

PRINT :2 + :2

you will get 6!

Logo, like LISP, is a functional programming language. This means that you can string long sequences of functions together and Logo takes care of any temporary space that is needed to link the function calls. Functions can be created using the command


which invokes a very primitive facility for entering the function line by line. Once a line is entered, it cannot be edited when using TO. If you give the command


most Logos will invoke a more powerful editing facility, although what you get varies considerably among the implementations. For details consult the appropriate reference materials.

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All Logo functions must end with the END statement. Let's look at some simple Logo functions to generate particular strings. This will get us started in Logo and also return us back to AIT.

Consider the following Logo function (program):


Now simply giving Logo the command ANYSTRING will produce the indicated string.

Note that unlike most programming languages, Logo only requires a single double-quote to indicate a string. Strings end when a blank has been encountered, unless the blank is to be part of the string which is indicated by using an escape character of some sort. WinLogo uses \. If you include a closing " it will be included as part of the string.

ANYTHING is certainly not the shortest Logo function that can generate the indicated string. For one thing, you can pick a shorter title than ANYSTRING, such as X. Furthermore, Logo recognizes PR as an abbreviation for PRINT so we can shorten the program further.

When determining program size, there are some non-obvious problems. In particular, what exactly do we count? Clearly, we need to count the letters in the function definitions, but each line in an ASCII file generally ends with two invisible characters - a carriage return and a line feed. Do we include these characters in arriving at the program size? We will soon see that Logo offers an alternative function representation, that might produce slightly different counts, so we need to decide exactly what we want to count.

Using ANYSTRING, we see that for most strings,

where C is a constant that depends on exactly what we count. If we count hidden characters we would get C = 27 (if I counted correctly!).

You might wonder why we have , where is the length of s, rather than just . The reason for this is that some characters in Logo, such as spaces, are delimiters and will separate a string into pieces rather than be included in the string. Such characters must be preceded by \ to be included in the string. If you have a string consisting entirely of special characters, you would need a \ for each character, which would double the length of the string needed in the program.

Since every function begins with TO and ends with END there is little reason to include them, and in fact the WinLogo interpreter displays them for the benefit of the user, but does not include them in the representation. One needs to come to some decision about these points, but many of the choices will not affect the final results significantly.

There is another important point to consider: as written above, the function ANYSTRING prints the string, but this means that no other function can use the string that is produced by ANYSTRING. We can adopt the convention that we will use printing only for illustrative or debugging purposes but that we want our functions to output the string. Logo provides an OUTPUT function that can be used for this purpose. OUTPUT can be abbreviated OP.

Thus, the general string generating function can be written as:

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If we ignore TO and the line containing END, but count the two invisible characters per line, we get that for most strings

which means roughly that the length of a string is an upper bound on its program size complexity. If we include many special characters such as blanks in the string, we might need twice the length of the string + 9 as a bound if we do things the simple way. The earlier result shows that for most strings we cannot do better than the length of the string itself.

LISP is notorious for the number of parentheses required by its syntax. It is sometimes claimed that LISP stands for Lots of Irritating and Stupid Parentheses. Logo works to minimize parentheses but using prefix notation and not requiring parentheses if the default number of parameters are used. For example, SUM and LIST normally take two parameters. Thus, in Logo one can write without ambiguity the following command:

(LIST SUM 1 2 6 (SUM 4 5 6 ) )

to produce the list

[ 3 6 15 ]

6.1 Lists in Logo

Lists in Logo are represented by using square brackets at the start and finish. Thus, [ ] represents the empty list and

[ 1 Hello [ 4 5 [6]] Goodbye]

represents a list of 4 elements, the third of which is also a list. The convention in Logo is that if you write out a list explicitly, all strings within that list are quoted.

Probably the main reason that PR does not show the outside parentheses of list is that you can give the command

PR [Hello World]

and just get the phrase Hello World printed. The WinLogo primitive SHOW displays a list with its outermost brackets intact.

Logo has a variety of commands for manipulating lists:

- FIRST LIST returns the first element of a list. Thus, FIRST [a b c] returns a.

- LAST LIST returns the last element of a list. Thus, LAST [a b c]
returns c.  

- BUTFIRST LIST (BF) returns a copy of a list consisting
of everything except for the first element. Thus, BF [a b c] returns [ b c ].  

- BUTLAST LIST (BL) returns a copy of a list consisting of
everything except for the last element. Thus, BL [a b c] returns [a b].

Page 252

- SENTENCE LIST1 LIST2 (SE) takes two lists and returns a list which
results from joining copies of the original two lists into
one. Thus, SE [a b c] [a b c] returns [a b c a b c].  

ELEMENT LIST inserts the element at the beginning of a list. Thus,
FPUT "a [b c] returns [a b c].  

elements at the end of a list. Thus, LPUT "c [ a b ] returns [a b c].  

- ITEM NUMBER LIST returns the indicated item from the
list. Thus, ITEM 2 [a b c] returns b.  

- COUNT OBJECT returns the
"size" of a Logo object. For lists, this is the number of elements
in the list. Thus, COUNT [a b c] returns 3.  

6.2 String Operations in Logo

Some of the list operations apply equally well to strings. These are FIRST, LAST, BF, BL, ITEM and COUNT. ITEM can be used to select particular characters and COUNT returns the number of characters in a string.

The general operator for concatenating strings together is:

WORD String1 String2

returns a string that is the concatenation of the two indicated strings. Thus WORD "abc "def returns abcdef.

FPUT, LPUT and SE should not be used with strings. The strings "True" and "False" represent the Boolean truth values. By default, WinLogo is not casesensitive. By convention, most Logo Predicates (functions that return "True" or "False") end with the letter P.

6.3 Recursion

Much of Logo's power comes from its ready facility with recursion and the fact that both strings and lists are recursive data types. For people unfamiliar with recursion, I should note that the basic form of a recursive program is

if Base-Case [Do Some Direct Calculation] 
Reduce Complex Cases to Simpler Cases 

In Logo you can use the constructions

IF CONDITION [Instructions] 


IFELSE COND [Inst1][Inst2]

Long lines may be continued by using~at the end of the line.

6.4 Church's Thesis

All our results are stated using Logo so they might be accessible to as wide an audience as possible. The reader should note that Church's Thesis, a principle which I will paraphrase as "anything that can be computed using one computer language can be computed using any other computer language". Thus, we can draw universal conclusions even though we are using Logo to achieve our results.

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6.5 The Size of a Logo Program

Now let's consider how to compute the size of a Logo function (program). Logo has the function TEXT F-Name that gives the representation of the function F-Name. For Example, TEXT "X where X is as above returns the following:

[ [ ] [OP "ANY_STRING ] ]

(I have added some extra spaces to make the result easier to read).

Note that TO and END are missing. The first empty list is a list of the parameters (when present, these appear without the : even though they appear with a colon in the original definition). You can't immediately apply COUNT to TEXT, because that would only tell you how many lines you have and not how many characters. Let's look at a complete function that calculates function size.

The following two functions provide the muscle needed to compute the size of a "program". Notice how we have written the functions separately for easier comprehension.


PROGSIZE basically just adds the length of the name to the number returned by SIZE, which is described below. Note how the input parameter is indicated by :prog.


SIZE illustrates many aspects of Logo programming. Built-in Logo predicates generally end in P. Thus, LISTP OBJECT tells if OBJECT is a list, while EMPTYP OBJECT tells if OBJECT is empty (either string or list).

Logo also provides some infix operators such as =, +, *, -, but you will sometimes have problems with these. If you do, use the Logo prefix operators EQUALP, SUM, PRODUCT, DIFFERENCE, etc.

SIZE works as follows. If the object is not a list (we are ignoring the possibility that the object can be an array because most Logos don't have arrays), COUNT returns its size. Note that once OP is invoked, the function returns a value and that particular call ceases so you can often use IFs rather than IFELSEs.

If we get past the first line, we must be dealing with a list. The next line checks whether it is the empty list. If it is, the empty list it has a size of 2 because it consists just of two brackets.

The next case considered is a list of just a single item. Here the size is just 2 + the size of the item, since a pair of brackets is added to the item.

The last case considered is that of a list with several items. Here we must allow for the single blank that is put between every pair of objects.

The fact that Logo encourages users to break their work into separate function definitions now complicates our attempt to produce a program-size measure.

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Since functions can call other functions, just measuring the size of the calling function need not give a true measure of its complexity since much of its functionality might be buried inside another function.

For example, PROGSIZE has most of its complexity buried in SIZE so simply asking for PROGSIZE "PROGSIZE will give a misleading result. What we are aiming at is to define the program size as the size of the master program and all its subprograms together with any data that is defined. This is complicated by a feature that we now discuss.

WinLogo and most other Logos use a workspace which stores function definitions, global variable definitions and other information. Any Logo function can access any of this information, so you must be careful when you measure program size.

If you use functions not defined in the workspace, WinLogo automatically searches in various places for the definition (the details are in the extensive online help that comes with WinLogo). Thus, if you are not careful you can be invoking much Logo code by a function that is quite short.

There are at least two ways to get around these various problems and get a measure of the complexity size. One way, is to pick a suitably "clean" computer with no hidden Logo definitions, identify which function in the workspace produces the result and then measure the workspace in bytes. This solution is simple to understand, but unfortunately it forces us out of Logo and into the domain of the operating system. Ideally, we could do all of this work in Logo. I will now describe how to do this.

We have seen how the TEXT command returns the body of a function. The command


goes from the representation of a function to its definition. BODY should have the same format as produced by TEXT.

Below we show how to rewrite PROGSIZE so it is completely contained.

  [IF EMPTYP :OBJ [OP 2]] ~ 

Recall, that the character~ is used to continue a line.

6.6 A More Formal Definition of H

We are now ready to more formally define what we mean by H(s) where s is a string or any other Logo object for that matter. We first create a workspace on a computer that does not have access to any other Logo workspaces.

Furthermore, the workspace we work in must contain only one function which has no input parameters, so that all input has to be included in the function.

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If any additional functions need to be defined, this must be done as indicated above by PROGSIZEX in the body of the lone function. When this lone function executes, it produces the desired object s. To actually measure the function correctly we must measure it before it runs since running the function can introduce new functions and variables as well as erase functions and variables.

I stress these points so you can better appreciate Greg Chaitin's "Toy" LISP - it will clarify why he needs to do things in a certain way.

I should note that WinLogo does not always perform correctly when you define functions in the body of a function, in particular you sometimes have to run the function twice for it to work correctly. I will ignore this little problem and assume that it all works well enough for our purposes.

6.7 Some Examples

Now that we have discussed some of the fine points of measurement, we can write our functions in a more relaxed style knowing that we can always cram everything together into one bundle if necessary for measurement.

Consider the following function:


If you input a string of length N , you get a string of Xs as output. Now consider the following Logo function.

OP P2 P2 P2 "Y 

PQ will output a string of 16 Xs. It is clear that if we add additional instances of P2 and a blank on the second line of PQ we get an super-exponentially increasing sequence of strings. In other words, we would get strings of length It quickly gets beyond the capability of real computers to produce strings of the appropriate length. By using the Ackermann function, one can generate "really large strings."

Notice that adding an extra P2 just increases the size of the program by 3, but the size of the output monstrously. These simple examples show that some extremely long strings have small H. The following shows how we could create a self-contained function that behaves like PQ - in the future I will display functions using the more relaxed syntax only.

  [[STR] ~ 
  [IF EMPTYP :STR [OP "X]] ~ 
  [LOCAL "J] ~ 
  [MAKE "J P2X BF :STR] ~

Page 256

  [OP WORD :J :J]] 
OP P2X P2X P2X "Y 

7 Actually Measuring String Complexity

I hope that the preceding discussion has given you some insight into actually measuring H for various strings. By now, you are probably chaffing at the bit and ready to start computing some values of H.

Unfortunately, I will now illustrate why this is more difficult that might appear. It turns out that it is impossible to compute H for more than a finite number of strings!

7.1 The Uncomputability of H

An argument based on the Berry Paradox shows quite convincingly that H is not computable for an infinite number of strings. Assume that we have a fixed length function, called H, that correctly computes the complexity of infinitely many strings. Since there are only finitely many programs less than a certain length, any infinite collection of strings must contain strings of arbitrarily large complexity.

Thus, going through all possible strings ensures that we will eventually find strings of arbitrarily large complexity. The basic idea of this proof is expressed by the following Logo functions. In particular, the person claiming that H is computable must supply a way to compute H. We will show that the proposed solution for H cannot be correct without examining the inner structure of H.

Theorem: No Logo function can correctly compute H for all strings.

Proof: Consider the following Logo functions.



; WinLogo comments begin with a ; 
; H supposedly calculates H(str) ;
This has the appropriate code.  

; assume only ASCII chars 33..90 
; NEXT returns the "next" string 

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;returns a string of !s of same length as :str 

Note that the above program will generate a string of complexity greater than N. The only problem we have here is that the program has size

where is the size of FOOL, is the size of EXPLORE, , is the size of H, and is the size of NEXT and BASE. Note that we need log N included in the size of EXPLORE since as we pick arbitrarily large N the size of EXPLORE will grow logarithmically. We use abstract constants to denote the sizes of the routines, since it is their sizes in the coded form (see the next section) that really count rather than their sizes in the expanded form listed above.

Yet by definition, a string of complexity N or greater, can only be generated by a program of size at least N . Clearly,

for N arbitrarily large, which contradicts the definition of complexity N.

You can run the above program and get a concrete realization of the Berry Paradox, which you will see again later in this paper.

8 Programs as Lists

Logo has a RUN command that attempts to run a list of instructions. You can feed anything to RUN and it might halt with an error message. The following illustrates how you can put the definition of a program and its execution into a single list. Thus,

RUN [define "hw [ [ ][op "hello\ world ] ] hw]

outputs the string hello world. (\ includes a blank in the string).

This approach is somewhat more elegant than the one we have been using earlier because it includes the execution of the function along with the definition.

I will refer to expressions of the form above as functional expressions. In other words, a functional expression is a Logo list that produces something (maybe an error message) when executed with the RUN command. We can now define the complexity of a string as the size of the smallest functional expression that can produce the string.

Note that it is easy to go from standard function definitions to functional expressions. Unfortunately, WinLogo does not always correctly run the functional expression the first time.

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Note that the size of the functional expression can vary significantly from the size of the function definition because it might include an extra copy of the function's name, which could be arbitrarily long.

9 Properties of H

As we have seen, H is not computable. Nevertheless we can derive some of its properties. The following is an example of this.

where + between strings indicates concatenation. I will now give the proof of this, which is straightforward.

Let be a functional expression that evaluates to a functional expression that evaluates to , then let E be the functional expression:


In this case, C = 16 ( 2 for extra brackets, 4 for WORD, 6 for the two RUNs, 4 for the blanks).

10 More on Functional Expressions

For the "hello world" example concatenated to itself we would have that E looks like the following:

[word run [ define "hw [ [ [op "hello\ world ] ] hw] 
run [ define "hw [ [ [op "hello\ world ] ] hw]

The difficulty of reading functional expressions explains why I stress the less formal, conventional description of programs. It is important to understand how functional expressions can be constructed from more conventional programs and how they operate.

11 Converting Lists to Strings

It is easy to write a Logo function, List2String that will convert Logo lists to strings. List2String can be based on the SIZE function described above. Writing such a function is left to you as an exercise (see the exercise section).

Thus, any function can be converted into a string by using TEXT to create its list representation and then using List2String to create the string representation. One can also write a string parsing function that will convert strings into lists where this make sense. You might expect this to be quite a bit more complicated than List2String.

WinLogo has a command called PARSE that converts strings into lists. Unfortunately, the version PARSE that I have does not permit embedding blanks into strings since it uses them as separators. You can get around this by creating a function that concatenates strings together with a blank between them or you can write a different parser as an exercise. I will just use - to represent embedded blanks in the following example.

Consider the following sequence of instructions: which produce the string hello-world as an output.

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make "x "define" "hw" "["["]"[op" "hello-world"]"]hw 
make "xp parse :x 
run :xp 

Note how the backslash (\) needs to be used to include characters such as brackets in the string. Each new refinement makes the functions less readable, so I will continue to work with the standard programming notation. The important thing is to note that we can move from strings to lists and lists to strings.

12 The Hacker's Problem

Closely related to the problem of computing H is the Hacker's Problem: how can you show that a given program is the shortest program that can generate a particular result? Greg Chaitin refers to such programs as elegant programs.

My name for the problem comes from the book Hackers by Stephen Levy which details how many hackers were on an endless quest to find the shortest program to accomplish some task. The hackers were never able to prove that some program was the shortest. We will now see why this is no accident. Greg Chaitin participated in such a quest when he was learning programming while in high school.

In view of the uncomputability of H, you might suspect that the Hacker's Problem is also not solvable. We will now see how to apply essentially the Berry Paradox argument to this problem.

Usually, when people talk about proving something they imply that one must use an axiomatic system of some type. The same object can be achieved by thinking of an axiomatic system as a computer program that can correctly decide a certain question.

You will soon see that it is impossible for a any program to correctly decide for infinitely many programs that they are minimal programs. Furthermore, the complexity of the algorithmic system bounds the complexity of the programs for which minimality can be demonstrated. Thus, the checking program cannot correctly decide whether programs sufficiently larger than itself are minimal!

Theorem: The Hacker's Problem cannot be solved in general, i.e., there are only finitely many provably elegant programs.

Proof: Suppose that there was a Logo function that could correctly analyze functional expressions given as strings and decide correctly whether or not they were minimal. Consider the following Logo routines.



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The size of the program above is

where is the size of FOOL, is the size of EXPLORE, is the size of LEGALFEP and ELEGANTP, and is the size of NEXT and BASE (which were used earlier). FOOL, however, produces strings of complexity N; where N is arbitrary.

ELEGANTP represents the elegance detector which we are assuming exists. LEGALFEP is a function that can be built which determines whether a given string can be made into a legal functional expression. For compiled languages, the compiler is the arbiter who decides whether the input is a legal program for a particular language. Interpreted languages tend not to have comprehensive syntax checking as a feature, but there is no reason why it can't be done. Of course, this is not a trivial task. I will assume that such a program can be written for Logo.

PARSE is used to represent a function that converts strings to functional expressions when possible. It can be replaced by something more accurate.

Thus, we have for all N;

which is impossible.

We can draw some additional information from this argument. In particular, we have that

Recall that included the size of the elegance-recognition program. The conclusion here is that any program that can prove that a program of size N is elegant, essentially must have size at least N itself. Thus, programs cannot prove the elegance of programs that are substantially larger than they are themselves.

13 The Halting Problem

I will now show how our inability to compute H(s) or to solve the Hacker's Problem implies that the Halting Problem (telling whether a given program will halt) is not solvable. In both cases, the argument is almost the same.

First, let's show that if the Halting Problem is solvable by a computer program, we could construct a computer program (an extremely slow one) that could compute H(s).

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We proceed as in the Hacker's Problem and begin going through all the "programs", by which I mean all functional expressions with no input parameters.

If we could tell which ones will halt and which ones won't, we just discard the ones that don't halt and run the ones that will halt and collect the results. We create a list of all "program" outputs arranged by size of the functional expressions.

Now to compute H(s) just read through the list until you first spot s. It has to appear at least once, and its first appearance is with the shortest program that generates it.

Since we can't compute H(s); it follows that it is impossible to solve the Halting Problem.

We don't really need to construct the list of all programs, since we can examine outputs "on the fly" and compare them to s: The following Logo code shows how this can be done.




Note that we use the NEXT and LEGALFEP functions that we discussed earlier. Of course, HALTP is our hypothetical solution to the Halting Problem.

The argument based on the Hacker's Problem is similar: by eliminating the programs that never halt we can construct a list of all possible outputs that match up with program size. We also check our candidate program to make sure that it halts and produces an output.

Once such a list is constructed we can decide whether a program is elegant by simply checking all entries that come earlier in the list - if we find the same output earlier, we see whether the corresponding program is strictly shorter. If it is, then the program being tested is not elegant. If it is the same length we continue our search until we have examined all earlier entries.

Another proof that shows that the ability to solve the Halting Problem allows us to solve the Hacker's Problem, proceeds as follows. If we can solve the Halting Problem we could compute H as shown earlier. If we can compute H, we can solve the Hacker's Problem using the following Logo code which uses some of the Logo functions discussed earlier.


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Reference [5] contains two proofs that show that being able to compute program-size complexity would confer the ability to solve the Halting Problem.

14 Chaitin's

Greg Chaitin has found an interesting way to combine his incompleteness results into one neat number which he calls Omega (). The bits of are truly unknowable as we will soon see.

In order to correctly define we need to completely analyze a property possessed by our functional expressions. This property, being self-delimited or prefix-free is somewhat technical. Its main purpose is to show that the definition of makes sense.

Let's think of a program as a string. As we have seen earlier this is a reasonable way to think of it, and we have gone back between string representations and list representations of programs.

For compiled languages like C, C++ and Pascal, programs consist of multiple files, which in theory can be combined into a single file and hence into a single string. A program is self-delimiting (prefix-free) if no proper prefix of it is also a legal program.

Recall that functional expressions are Logo lists that return results when executed with RUN. Lists are prefix-free because if you take any prefix of a list you get an unbalanced expression! Consider the following:

[ A B [ C [ D E ] F ] G H ]

Thus, as long as we use lists to represent programs, the programs will be prefix-free. You will soon see why this property is important.

Note that if you view a Logo program as a collection of functions in a file, then programs need not be prefix-free since you can just add miscellaneous functions to the end which do not play a role in the main computation.

Many other languages are prefix-free. For example, a Pascal program ends when the compiler reads through a legitimate "END.", so Pascal programs are naturally prefix-free.

One way to make programs in many languages prefix free is to require that their string representation end in a particular character, such as an EOF (end- of-file) character, that may not appear anywhere else.

Chaitin calls the Halting Probability and defines it as:

Here the sum ranges over all programs p that halt and Q is the size of the alphabet.

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The simplest case to visualize is the binary case, i.e., Q = 2. I will generally use the considerably larger alphabet consisting of the 95 characters from ranging from ASCII 32 to ASCII 126, along with the carriage return and line feed characters.

Let's denote , and the sum of over a set, S; by . An important consideration is whether the above definition for makes sense, i.e., does the sum converge to a value between 0 and 1.

If programs are prefix-free, then we will show that the sum over all programs, not just the ones that halt, exists and does not exceed 1, so clearly also exists.

Proving the existence of is the only place where the prefix-free property is used. Let's assume for the time being that exists and discuss some of its properties.

15 Ultimate Uncomputability of

Since the definition of is bound up with knowing which programs halt it should not be surprising to learn that is very uncomputable. In general, it is easiest to think of expressed as a "decimal" in base Q; in other words as a string beginning with a decimal point and followed by a symbol representing a number from 0 to (Q - 1).

If Q were 10, we would get the familiar decimals, while if Q is 2 we would get binamals. All such representations suffer from the ambiguity that there are 2 ways to represent some of the numbers. For example, in decimal .*1000... and .*0999... are the same string, where * represents an arbitrary initial string. We make the convention that we do not accept the representations that end in an infinite number of 0s and always use the second form.

In particular, in the binary system we would replace a number of the form .*100000...., we will replace this binamal expansion by .011111....

If you could know all the digits of you would know a lot! In particular, if you knew the first n bits of you would be able to determine if a particular n-character program halted.

The basic idea here is as follows. Imagine that you are able to run programs until they either halt or exceed a certain time bound. Next imagine what happens if you run the first k programs for k time units. As k grows you will discover more and more programs that halt.

Thus, after step k you can create the k-th lower bound approximation to which is formed by computing

for all the programs that have halted up through stage k. Let's call this quantity .

increases as k increases since more and more programs will be found that halt. In particular, a stage comes when all programs having n or fewer characters (there are only finitely many of them) halt.

At this stage, let's call it k, matches in the first n digits, and will only be smaller in digits that come after these n digits.

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This means that at stage k we know that none of the programs that have n or fewer characters (typically n << k) can halt!

The last result follows because if any new program, p; with n or fewer characters would halt, would alter the first digits of and hence . Since we are assuming that we know the first n bits of , we must now know all the programs with n or fewer characters that halt.

The argument we just gave is captured in the following Logo functions.


TO HaltList :OMEGA_N

OP HL :OMEGA_N (1+:K) 

TO HaltListAux :K 
REPEAT :K [ ~ 


TO NextProg :PRG 
IF LegalFEp :PRG [OP :PRG] 
OP NextProg :PRG 


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SetTimer 1
:TIME [ClearTimer 1 OP LIST "FALSE [ ] ] 
ClearTimer 1 

The most natural way to represent numbers in base 95 is to use the 95 characters as digits. To calculate the digit-value of a character, subtract 32 from its ASCII number. Thus, blank, which is ASCII 32, will represent 0. Similarly, $, which is ASCII 36, represents the value 4.

HaltList is just a cover function that permits us to loop using HL. HL finds the first time that approximations to exceed or equal the given value and returns a list of the functional expressions that halted in the search to this point.

Note the use of BF to eliminate the leading decimal point in :OMEGA_N.

There is a minor technical point that must be mentioned at this point. Win-Logo takes certain liberties with strings that it can interpret as numbers. For example, the string 0000 will be automatically converted to 0, and the string .1000 will be displayed as .1.

Furthermore, it will reduce the precision of strings to the maximum precision that it can handle. However, as long as at least one character in a string is not a digit, Logo will treat the entire string as a string.

The functions listed here gloss over this point and I leave it to you to modify the programs appropriately to handle this point if you are interested.

HaltListAux returns a list containing two elements: a lower bound for Omega obtained by running programs 1 ... k for a maximum of k time units, and a list of the programs that have halted within the allowed time.

LSUM adds probabilities of programs in the list. The NextProg function returns the next string that is a legal functional expression.

The Logo code presented so far assumes that we have working versions of LegalFEp and NEXT. Earlier, a working version of NEXT was presented that can be used here. Just to have something that can run, we can use the following definition of LegalFEp.

TO LegalFEp :PRG 
OP "true 

The function VALUE is used to convert OMEGA_N strings to reals using the convention that the characters of the alphabet represent the digits in base Q: Value assumes that the decimal point has been removed from :OMN.

Logo has a limited tolerance for complex arithmetical expressions written using infix notation so you can best express these expressions using prefix notation.

Run? runs functional expressions for limited periods of time. It outputs a list of two items [Halted Output]. If Halted is true, Output contains the output. If

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Halted is false, prg ran the designated amount of time but did not return an answer.

Something like Run? is tricky to implement in most programming languages.

In WinLogo, one can get this effect by using the SetTimer command to interrupt programs after a certain amount of time. After :TIME milliseconds Logo executes the commands in the list to the right of SetTimer (Logo has many timers and we are using number 1). ClearTimer disables the time-based interrupt.

16 The Existence of

We should now give some indication of why exists. The key idea is based on the Kraft inequality which says that the sum of the weights of the elements of any prefix-set of strings is bounded above by 1. The weight of a string, s, is given by where Q is the number of elements in the alphabet.

We will prove this by first considering the finite case. The result we wish to prove is the following.

Theorem (Kraft Inequality): Let S be a finite prefix-free set of strings formed from the alphabet A, which has Q elements. Then

Proof: This theorem is clearly true if S contains 0 or 1 element. Assume that it is true for sets having n or fewer elements. Now consider the case where S contains n + 1 elements. Divide S into Q subsets, one for each letter of the alphabet, so that

where consists of all elements of S that begin with the letter a (note could be empty).

Note that

and that each is prefix-free. For each be the set of strings formed by removing the first element of each element in . Observe that a must be prefix-free, otherwise would not be prefix-free. Note further that

We can apply the induction hypothesis to see that


and consequently

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To extend this result to infinite trees note that if an infinite sum exceeds 1, some finite subsum must also exceed 1. This would give us a finite, prefix-free set whose would exceed 1, but this is impossible. Thus, the of all programs, which form a prefix-free set in the set of strings, is bounded by 1. It follows that exists!

17 Additional Properties of

The preceding discussion shows that is unknowable. Chaitin has discussed this in depth and has extended these results in many different directions. I cannot develop this theory in detail here, but will summarize some of the key results.

First, is truly random when represented in any base. This means that its sequence of digits will pass any statistical test that can be devised. I will not go into details, but this implies, among other things, that every digit appears essentially the same proportion of the time as any other digit. Similarly, all possible pairs of digits, triples of digits, etc. appear with the expected frequency.

This last observation leads to the concept of a Chaitin-random string. A finite string is Chaitin-random when its complexity is roughly equal to its length. An infinite string is Chaitin-random if all of its finite prefixes are Chaitin-random. It can be shown that Chaitin-random infinite strings are exactly those that pass all statistical tests.

18 Some Implications of AIT

Here are a few statements that summarize the implications of AIT.

- Complexity theorists cannot live by logic alone.

- Discovery is an important tool in the complexity toolbox.

- Random searching is also an important tool.

- No current pseudo-random number generator will pass all statistical tests! For some modeling applications, this might have serious repercussions.

19 Exercises

1. Write a Logo function called Euclid that recursively computes the GCD of two positive integers.

2. Write a Logo function to compute the Fibonacci numbers.

3. Write a function that can concatenate a list of strings into one string with blanks separating the different entries.

4. Write a Logo function that will convert a Logo list into a single string.

5. Write a Logo function that correctly converts strings into lists. This should deal correctly with embedded blanks in strings.

6. The Busy Beaver function, BB(N), calculates the length of the longest string that can be produced by a program of length N that has no input parameters. Show that BB(N) is not computable.

7. Write a Logo interpreter for Chaitin's Toy Lisp.

The following are sources used in preparing the preceding talk. Other books used are referenced in the text.

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1. Cristian Calude, Information and Randomness, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.

2. Gregory Chaitin, Information-Theoretic Incompleteness, World Scientific, Singapore, 1992.

3. Gregory Chaitin, Algorithmic Information Theory, 2nd edition, preprint, August 1993. First edition published by Cambridge University Press, 1987.

4. Gregory Chaitin, The Limits of Mathematics, Short Course given at University of Maine, June 17, 1994.

5. Gregory Chaitin, Asat Arslanov, Cristian Calude, Program-Size complexity computes the halting problem, EATCS Bull., 57 (1995), 198-200.

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